I'm guessing you're not in the UK? In the UK they will not prescribe progesterone before you're pregnant, so if you have a short LP or any spotting in your LP, they will not prescribe it. They will only prescribe it under the new NICE guidelines to women who have had recurrent miscarriages (and I think are having a threatened miscarriage) only IF and when a successful uterine pregnancy is identified 6+ weeks of gestation. It's an absolute joke.
Sorry you're feeling so deflated
@Sugar10, I absolutely understand. Due dates are the worst and this is our last chance to get pregnant before what should be, Rylies due date. We will not be trying in September, and we are preparing to wrap up our TTC Journey. It'll be four years of actively trying in just over a months time. We've given this journey the absolute most we can, we've gone to extreme lengths to let it be possible but still nothing. At some point you find your breaking point and we're there.
CD10, Still a few days away from ovulation I am guessing. My mood is at rock bottom, I am so depressed. I'm not sleeping, not eating, not even brushing my hair. Spending the days crying my heart out, absolutely broken and devastated.