Yuck!!! ;(


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2011
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I'm really upset, the apartment that DHs new company have sorted for us whilst we find a permanent place to live in Qatar has bed bugs ;(

We each have a couple if bites but poor Toby is absolutely covered in them. I'm so upset. Poor little boy.

They've been and fumigated all the mattresses, but I don't want to stay here at all, it's gross.

I've been and bought a new travel cot for T to sleep in now and thrown his other one away and am now in the process of systematically boil washing everything.

Poor T's bites are coming up in little blistered welts and he can't sleep for scratching them. He's just wailed and wailed today. Although we had no idea, I feel so bad for him and so guilty for exposing him to this. My poor little boy.

I've given him a coolish bath and put sudocrem on the but does any body have any other ideas please? I'm not sure what I can get out here or if I can apply it to his delicate skin.

I just want to go home now ;(

Oh poor you :-(

Anything with Calamine in is supposed to be quiete soothing.
o no!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont feel guilty it not ur fault ...give him plenty of mummy hugs x
Oh what a horrible experience for you. Don't feel guilty though, as there's no way you could have known. I would suggest calamine lotion too, maybe a cool bath and male sure he wears fairly loose cotton clothes. Hope they go away soon. Xx
Poor wee thing!! Please dont feel bad it's not your fault in the slightest. As the others have said calamine lotion should work wonders. Hope it clears soon xx

Oh bless you all :( camomile lotion with soothe the itching. You could also try giving him some piriton as that will also help.

Sending hugs xx
Oh bless you hun, not the ideal start to your new life hey??

Please don't let it ruin things though, bub will soon be OK and he won't remember so don't you feel guilty.

Calomine lotion gets me vote too, also not sure if Google will throw anything up?

Oh no what a nightmare!! Not your fault though! Don't feel guilty.

Cant think of anything other than what the girls have suggested. Can you get baby piriton out there?

Big hugs honey x
Oh bless you all :( camomile lotion with soothe the itching. You could also try giving him some piriton as that will also help.

Sending hugs xx

I think you have to be a year old for piriton, do you not?
Big hugs, sweetie! How horrible! Poor Toby and you. Don't let it get you down. There are sure to be difficult times ahead, it's such a different country and such a big change, but I'm sure it'll get better. Not got any advice about the itching, sorry, but want to send hugs xxx
How upsetting. I would feel so guilty too but from the outside looking in, honestly do not feel guilty, it's not your fault and you are doing all the right things to get him better.

I really hope he gets well quickly and you get the results in housing pronto too x
Thank you everyone, the bites seem to have got angrier today and he didnt sleep well last night, poor little mite, he's trying his best though.

Thank you for your support, it means a lot xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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FBE. Do you have medical care available for him already in Qatar?
I would just take him there to see what they can give him.
It's hard in a new country as usually you don't find at supermarkets and pharmacies all the familiar products to you but for most of them is a good alternative out there.
I would just get him so I get to know his doctor too and hopefully they will give him sth to sooth him too.
Good luck lovely. I would have been upset too. Soon you will find a nice hone and life will go back to normal. Every new start is hard but most of the times it's so worth it and its am exciting journey,

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