He hates me :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2009
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My little baby boy hates me :( He is 7 month old and i went back to work full time two weeks ago. He stays at home with daddy. When i get in from work i just wanna scoop him up and hug him and play with him but he treats me like a stranger :cry: He hardly smiles for me and i no longer have the ability to get him giggling. He's had a cold and he got upset and reached for dadd rather than me. He can't take his eyes off his dad now and he gets all the best smiles and laughes. I admit, i am jelous as Jake has always been a mammy's boy, but i really think he hates me now. He looks at me as if to say "where have you been all day bitch!!"

I spend every second with him from getting in from work to him going to bed and all weekend too. I don't know what else to do! He is gonna hate me even more when the new baby comes isn't he?!? My poor little boy :cry:
Aww honey :hug: He doesnt hate you. They go through phases like that I'm sure. dont be sad :(
Ahhhh hun, he doesn't hate you hun :hug:

It's an awful situation but I'm sure it'll get better and is only something short lived :hug:
I just miss him so much. He is almost about to crawl, he's lifting right up on his knees and arms, i know i'm going to miss that magical moment and it kills me inside. I had such a strong bond with him and i feel like it is being broken day by day.

With OH being made redundant, i have to work. Its keeping the roof above our heads and i am grateful i have a job to go to. I just wish it didn't take away my time with Jacob :( xx
:hug: Sam used to want to spend all his time with me even when OH got home from work at first, but it wasn't long before it was boring being with me all day and all evening, and he'd wave daddy off to work and get so excited when he got home - I'm sure it won't be long before it's the same for you. Now if someone knocks at the door during the day he'll run to the window and shout 'daddy!'...if I go out for a couple of hours and leave him with OH I never get that! :hug: x
I too work full time I went back when he was 5 months and he spends alot of time with daddy and grannie, it kills me to leave him and really gets my back up when daddy says we don't do it like that we do it like this! I want to scream I'm his mum I know what he wants! He was like this to start with daddy and grannie seemed to be able to settle him at the drop of a hat but it has got better, three days a week I don't see him at all I work 12 hour days but like you I spend all my free time with him. I get smiles and giggles as well now! I started baby wearing so that I got as many cuddles as possible even when I have things to do, I think this has really helped our bond. I'm sorry that you feel like this :hug: but it does get easier with me I felt some of it was guilt as I felt bad for having to leave him but until we win the lottery I can't do anything about it, I just keep telling myself that it's for his own good to keep the roof over his head :hug:
:hug: He doesn't hate you.. I'm sure he will come back around soon xxx

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