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Aww hunny, I welled up reading this. I know how you feel, I've had psoriasis on my scalp since I was about 7. It just started as a little patch and now it is literally all over the back of my head. It's so itchy and sore all the time and I get really embarassed that I have to wipe flakes off my shoulders all the time and I imagine people thinking I've got a really bad case of dandruff. So I really do sympathise with you having it in other places as well as your scalp - poor you - I've been quite lucky in that respect.

I've got a 3 year old son (he'll be 4 in May), and I also worried that I would pass it on. So far though he's shown no signs of developing it. I know it could still appear, as mine didn't start til I was 7, but I'm really grateful that he's managed to avoid it so far. But just because we have it, doesn't mean our babies are going to develop it too. Both me and my hubby have eczema, and DS did have it when he was tiny, but had completely outgrown it by the time he was 2.

Try not to worry too much about it sweetie :hug:
Miss.Monroe said:
nickilubs said:
Danni ya plank! Your fooking GORGEOUS! :hug:

i second that! your one scrummy mummy! :hug:

I third that!!! :D:D

I havent seen the pics of your bump but I can bet £100 quid I cant see anything! (except your bump lol)
And I just wanted to add that Joes brother has psoriasis and he has not passed it to any of his 5 children!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
lea m said:
nickilubs said:
Danni ya plank! Your fooking GORGEOUS! :hug:

i second that! your one scrummy mummy! :hug:

I third that!!! :D:D


And I fourth that (if there is such a thing). You look so lovely and besides, you've given so much support on this forum we all think the world of you! :hug:
yah i agree, you's a sexy lady !!! but even if you looked like quisimodo we'd still love ya so i wouldnt worry, so long as u dont loose your internet connection you'll always be alright with us :hug:
Aww! I just read all your lovely messages out to my mum and she kept saying "I love that one who said 'Dannii ya plank'" lol

You're all so sweet, you really are. Thank you so much for taking the time to write your lovely messages, it genuinely gets me all emotional with how brilliant you all are...

I saw a programme tonight (embarassing illnesses) and a woman had psoriasis too - she had that UV treatment that'd I'd waited over a year for (then I found out I was pg 3 weeks before my first treatment and couldn't have it - typical!!) Anyway, as soon as Evie is born, I'm going back on the list :D

You silly moo!!!!

What a fabulous bump, you look radiant in your pics I deffo think pregnancy is agreeing with you :cheer: :cheer:

I have excema too, it only flares up when I'm pregnant and this time it's horrendous, I darn't post any pics, I have scratched it soooo badly that my skin has bled :cry: :cry:

On top of that I have some very strange nettle type rash that is being kept at bay with some tablets, if I miss one oh boy do I look like I've been rolling around in nettles :oops: :oops:

You are more than entitled to whinge - it's a woman's right he he :rotfl: :rotfl:

Have some of these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
dannii87 said:
Aww! I just read all your lovely messages out to my mum and she kept saying "I love that one who said 'Dannii ya plank'" lol

You're all so sweet, you really are. Thank you so much for taking the time to write your lovely messages, it genuinely gets me all emotional with how brilliant you all are...

I saw a programme tonight (embarassing illnesses) and a woman had psoriasis too - she had that UV treatment that'd I'd waited over a year for (then I found out I was pg 3 weeks before my first treatment and couldn't have it - typical!!) Anyway, as soon as Evie is born, I'm going back on the list :D


I saw the results too, I was so surprised. She looked so much happier too! Do it :)

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