Your views and thoughts regarding MMR jabs


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2007
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I have just taken Antonio for his 3rd lot of jabs (bit overdue) He had the 3 injections this time which Im aware is the MMR jab.

My mother called me just after we got back and I told her that we had just got back from the doctors as Antonio had just had his injections.

I was getting the strong feeling that this is not something that my mother agrees with however I made it quite clear that I was happy to follow the MMR jab though as reasearch has shown me that there is no true link between MMR and autisum. Although I said that to her, she has still made me feel very uneasy about it.

Just wondering what everybody else thinks about it? What choice did you make and why?


T xx
Hi ya hun

If its his 3rd set of jabs it would have only been his third dose of dip/tet/whooping cough/hib/polio and men c.
Please some one correct me if i am wrong but i think the MMR is given between 12-18 months.
charlie84 said:
Hi ya hun

If its his 3rd set of jabs it would have only been his third dose of dip/tet/whooping cough/hib/polio and men c.
Please some one correct me if i am wrong but i think the MMR is given between 12-18 months.

Hi hun,

I think you are right :roll: silly me!! Dont know whats up with me today, I just checked the red book.

T xx
Yeah, you dont have to worry just yet, but for what its worth I will be giving Eva the MMR when it comes round to it, it sounds like the autism thing was totally overhyped by the media and I think there are far more potential risks to having the diseases than the jabs. I know its a sensitive subject and everyone has their own ideas though.
As far as what your Mum thinks she should be supportive of your decisions with your child whether she agrees with them or not, it seems everyone is a critic when it comes to parenting :?
Dont worry about it for a few more months anyway :D :hug:
Arianna has had hers a while back and she is fine, I would I would rather have her protected against 3 horrid illness with one simple jab, than have her to have three horrid jabs for the small chance she gets autism.

My nephew is autistic and he had the 3 seperate injections, so it just proves that even if you go seperate your child could still have it
For the third set I was unhappy with the fact they were putting so much into my child in one go (5 in 1, plus men C and pneumo etc) so I have had it so she has had the 5 in 1 and her Men c at one appt and in a months time she has her pneumochocal.

As for the MMR my only view is if you have thoroughly researched it whether you are going to have it or not, and make your decision on that then its the right one for you, sod what everyone else thinks.
Don't worry about the MMR jab- the 'link' to autism was discovered by a scientist who was paid to look into it by the company which makes the single vaccines. It is not truly representative data and there is a greater risk of developing problems arrising from your child contracting one of the diseases if they do not have the MMR jab.
My mum & dad's neighbour have a son thats severely autistic & this was caused by a dodgy batch of the MMR jab... they are still fighting for justice now ands he's 12 years old. Medicine has progressed so much since then though & I dont know the full circumstances so am going to try not to let it effect our decision.
Isaac's having his MMR today and I'm not at all concerned about the links it has to autism, just concerned as to any side-effects that LO's can get with any injection. Had it been a few years ago I may have been swayed by the press and their links it has to autism, but thankfully now the full research is out we can make a choice with the full facts, and I personally see no reason not to have Isaac have the injection, but support mother's who choose to have it in single doses too.
I am a research scientist and have been in email contact with the scientist who conducted the huge recent study into the possible links between the MMR jab and autism. She says the link was never proved and that her research has discredited the original paper back in 1998. The original researchers out of 13, I think 11 actually printed a retraction saying that their research was flawed a year or so after it was originally published.

Ash is due for his MMR in a few months so I am researching it fully. I am still to get hold of copies of both the original research and the new study. But I'm already thinking that Ash will have the MMR. It seems that there really is no link and that it's just that the symptoms for autism start to show developmentally, at the same stage as babies are normally given the MMR. So parents automatically assumed that the jab was to blame, guess it's better if something happens to your child, that you've got something to blame it on. But really, it 'just happens' that some children are autistic and some aren't.

I am a research scientist and have been in email contact with the scientist who conducted the huge recent study into the possible links between the MMR jab and autism. She says the link was never proved and that her research has discredited the original paper back in 1998. The original researchers out of 13, I think 11 actually printed a retraction saying that their research was flawed a year or so after it was originally published.

Ash is due for his MMR in a few months so I am researching it fully. I am still to get hold of copies of both the original research and the new study. But I'm already thinking that Ash will have the MMR. It seems that there really is no link and that it's just that the symptoms for autism start to show developmentally, at the same stage as babies are normally given the MMR. So parents automatically assumed that the jab was to blame, guess it's better if something happens to your child, that you've got something to blame it on. But really, it 'just happens' that some children are autistic and some aren't.

Just to add - she also said that she is recommending that all her grandchildren have the MMR. SHe wouldn't be doing that if she had even the slightest worry that it was linked to autism, and she's one of the leading researchers in the field.

Thats interesting KJ, I thought it might be the case that its coincidence and timing, but then thats my theory on weaning and reflux ending too lol :D

Its a shame the media only grab onto negative stuff when it comes to research and not the reality, not everyone has this forum to turn to for sensible advice!
As you know stephens autistic and that wasnt caused by a jab, hes always had it. We know that looking back. Wasnt the jab, as said above autism starts to show around the agr group that the MMR is done. Imogen will e having her mmr done, we know shes not autistic as well.
I have an autistic cousin and my aunt blames it on the MMR but IMHO she just needed something to blame. Me, my brother and my other cousin (his sister) have all had the one jab and we're fine.

Evie will have the all in one- as SarahH says I'd rather run the tiny risk of autism to know she's immunised with just one jab.

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