your mum's birth experience compared to yours

All I know is my mam had long labours (72 hours with my elder sis, not too sure with me but I know it was long, and 6 days with little sis! LOL)
I had long labours but not like that! :shock:
Also my mam had to have an emergency section with me and has a thick scar from her belly button down! Odd I know?! But it was 26 years ago? Butchers lol
interesting replies, i guess im not going to get confirmation either way DAMN why cant birth be nice and predictable :lol:
My mum said when she had me she had asy labour as I was only 6lb as a baby and she said there was her, my dad and the midwife when I was born and it was lovely.
When I had imogen it was just me, tommo and the midwife and it was so personal and lovely and just what I wanted.Would d it again in a heart beat.

She said my sister was massive though and was a traumatic birth and was long and complicated - funnily enough mine was with my son!

So yes id say we had simiilar labours.
Mum - 23 hour labour
Me 7 hour labour

Mum - 8lb 1oz baby
Me - 7lb 11oz baby

Mum - Put on loads of weight and never lost it
Me - All bump and weight came off quite quickly

Mum - Gave birth on due date
Me - 12 days overdue

Mum - All pain relief possible
Me - Pethidine and G&A

Both needed stitches

I was 2 weeks late and my mum had to be induced, born in hospital etc.
My baby was 3 weeks ealy and I had him at home without pain relief. Totally different experiences.
My mum's had five children with very little pain relief and no interventions, she even had her third at home because he came so quickly! Her last, my baby bro who is almost 11, was almost born in the lift at hospital (labour was 30 minutes long!). She lost all her baby weight really quickly, whereas I've had to work hard at it!
I've had two horrible births, one true emergency c-section at 35w and, although I had a succuessful vbac with my second, I couldn't wait to get g&a and an epidural and then had a bad haemorrage after she was born at 38+6! The only way I am similar to her is the quick labours as I found with my second, it took about 3 hours to get to 7cm before the epidural slowed it down.
omg my experience couldnt have been more different to when my mum had me- that poor woman i feel for her bigtime!!

my mum had me when she was 16 and as if that wasnt enough to contend with she was in labour 36 hours- they then found out i was double breech thats bum first to me and you (legs over my head)

ouch... but it was too late for a c section coz i was in the birth canal so they just had to go for it- poor mum had over 40 stitches.

lucky me my labour (as its counted from 3 cm) was 4 hours 36 mins pushed him out in 25 mins and only 5 stitches...
even though i was in slow labour for a week
both had morning sickness, both had girls first, both went into labour just over a week early with first babies and I (mums 1st) weighed 6lb 9oz and Holly weighed 6lb 11oz.

The only 2 differences were mum was unable to b/f (milk never came) and i took 5hrs to arrive and Holly a just over 14hrs.

My gran's p/gs and labours were also as similar as was my mums sister...
im my mum's mini-me lol we are both 5'4", size 4 shoes and weigh less than 50kg

i was 26 when i had melissa, my mum was 28 when she had me

my mum had me on her due date, i had melissa on mine

we both had problem-free pregnancies

the day before i was born my mum was up a ladder painting, the day before melissa was born i was moving furniture :lol:

my mum went into hospital at 11pm had me at 4.30am just over 5 hours later- i called the midwives to my house at 12noon had melissa at 4.45pm just under 5 hours later!

i weighed 6lb 12oz melissa weighed 7lb 7oz only bout half a pound more

oh yes and we both only had G&A

spooky lol
mams - 8hours, waters broken on their own, 3 days late sick night before labour, 6lb baby, no morning sickness, small bump, epidural, no stitches

me - 26hours, waters had to be broke, 4 days late & sick 2 days before labour, 8lb 10oz baby, really bad morning sickness, large bump, gas & air & pethdine, 1 stitch

bit different really.

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