How long after a 'show' did your labour start?


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2007
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Im desparate for my labour to start im 10 days overdue now. Im booked in to be induced tommorow which im scared about but i had a show yesterday and a little this morning aswell. Does this mean i could go into labour soon or am i getting my hopes up? Do you think its worth putting off the induction for a few days, although midwife says if i did that i would have to go to hospital everyday for a trace on the baby/baby's heartbeat??(not too sure what all that means)
Im really confused im scared about being induced but if she doesnt come by the weekend i will have to be induced anyway so not sure if its worth waiting around or getting it over with :oops:
Does the show mean labour is just around the corner? I really hope so :(
Had mine while in labour after an internal although i lost bits in the weeks leading up but nothing like proper show.
Think mine was 1-2 days after the proper show. I had little shows in the week before but nothing like the real thing :)
I had my show over a few days, then a sweep on the Wednesday, I went into labour on \friday and had her on Monday.

A trace is where they strap a doppler like thing on your tummy to listen to baby's heartbeat continuously for a little while. It is non-invasive and doesn't hurt.
Contractions started at 4.25am. Had my show/ lost my plug at 5am. Had baby at 7.52am.
lost a tiny bit of gunk the thursday night, had proper show the friday morning, had aiden the saturday :)
Started having my show on the monday then lots more on the tues and wed. I had her on the thurs. :D
I had a couple of gunky bits the day I went into labour - probably around 5 hour before contractions started.
i was already in labour when i had mine. it was about 9-10am i started leaking snotty blood euw! lol
baby was here by 5pm
Had my show on Wednesday and then again every day till Maia was born on Sunday.
My contractions started at 6am, I had my show at around 9am just before I left the house to go to hospital and Ja was born at 12.30pm :D

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