Does bump size =baby size????


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2008
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Hi-I was wondering if there's anything in the size of your bump??

For all of you who have had babies did those with a small bump have a smallish baby? and thoses with a big bump have quite a big baby?

i know other things affect what size you are-fluid, position of baby, initial weight etc

I am quite small for my dates and I keep thinking my baby will be small or average size-but did anyone carry small then go on to have a 10lb + baby?? :shock: I want to be prepared if this happens often and was just interested if bump size shows anything.
:D :D
I was mahoo-sive, looked full term from about 6 months.

Stanley was only 7lb 2oz and that was a week over too. He was anterior, perfect position for birth if that makes any difference.

I'm only a short arse though, and spent 9 months packing in the pies :D
I lost quite a lot of weight before I fell pregnant this time, I think I was about 8 stone. Throughout my pregnancy my bump seemed really small compared to my first pregnancy and even at the end I didn't feel very big. My daughter was 7lb 6oz, only 2oz less than my son, I was really surprised because I was convinced she'd be small.
Try not to worry too much, as long as you can feel baby moving around in there and you are actually growing somewhat things will most probably be fine. If midwife is concerned they'll send you in for another growth scan. x
i was mahooooooosivee..... and had a 8lb 15oz'er at 38weeks.... altho...i did have high water and.. i did take "eating for two" to the extreme :lol:
I think my bump with my daughter was the smallest and she was the biggest baby at 8lb 9oz!
I think it can depend also on the position of the baby, how much water your carrying etc!
The midwife told me that Lucy wouldnt be too big around 7lbs something! Like I said she was the biggest!
I had a huge bumpage and Ryan was 8lb 7oz but he was 10 days overdue.
this was mybump at *around* 39 weeks. i then went 10days over.Ryan was 10lb 7.5oz :lol:


I would say my bump was average to a bit on the big side but i was all front...James was 10lb 2oz!! Docs were expecting me to have about an 8lber...
I was huge and Ellie was 7lb 11oz, I had alot of water!

To be honest i think its really hard to tell and all depends on how much fluid you have and your body size etc :)
my bump was small with Hayden and he was 7lb 7 1/2oz, but he was long he was 55cm

heres my bump at 2 days overdue with him (excuse the horrid stretch marks)

clairescunny55 said:
this was mybump at *around* 39 weeks. i then went 10days over.Ryan was 10lb 7.5oz :lol:



WOW!!! You didn't look like you'd have a baby of that weight!! :shock: :shock:
Your Lo's are georgeous by the way!! :D looks like I better not start thinking my baby will defo be small-I'll have to wait and see what arrives but not rule out the 10lber altogether.
xxxxx :D
My bump measured big when my MW took my fundus measurement - she even sent me for a scan at 32 weeks but Finn was only 7lbs 8oz. I don't think I looked massive (although I certainly felt it!)
No im afraid it doesnt hun, mine was an average bump and average baby weight but i have one friend who had the biggest bump ive ever seen and a 6lb baby and another with a neat little bump that looked like she had ate a football who had a 9.5 boy!.x
i was told i was carrying a 7lb er and had a 8lb 10 baby. i was all up front and pretty big!!
This is the last picture I took of my bump around 39 weeks...

my fundal height was 33 weeks, and they were worried lil miss would be born tiny... but she popped out weighing nearly 9lbs... :rotfl: :rotfl:

I don't carry much water in my bump just in my legs, feet, hands and face... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
my bump was huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge but my baby was a very average 7 pounds 7 ounces. im only 5'4" tho so my girth was accentuated by my tinyness lol!

think i had a lot of water and/or bloating in my bump as well tho, my tummy is always big compared to my other body parts even when im not pregnant! :lol:
I always measured a few weeks less than I was and my MW advised me to buy a few tiny baby baby grows which was great advice cos Ben was only 6lb 12 oz and all new born clothes were far too big for a couple of weeks.

Saying that my friend has just given birth to a little girl weighing 6lb 4oz and she was massive!!! Cos her husband and his first child were big she was expecting (and looked) a big baby but has got quite the opposite!!

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