Hi-I was wondering if there's anything in the size of your bump??
For all of you who have had babies did those with a small bump have a smallish baby? and thoses with a big bump have quite a big baby?
i know other things affect what size you are-fluid, position of baby, initial weight etc
I am quite small for my dates and I keep thinking my baby will be small or average size-but did anyone carry small then go on to have a 10lb + baby??
I want to be prepared if this happens often and was just interested if bump size shows anything.

For all of you who have had babies did those with a small bump have a smallish baby? and thoses with a big bump have quite a big baby?
i know other things affect what size you are-fluid, position of baby, initial weight etc
I am quite small for my dates and I keep thinking my baby will be small or average size-but did anyone carry small then go on to have a 10lb + baby??