Your labour...

T arrived at 40+11 - he was too snug. My labour was amazing and I manage at home for two hours with just slight niggles, went to the hospital where I was already 5cm. I reached 10cm six hours later on nothing but gas and air - was laughing my socks off on the stuff, it was brilliant (thinking about getting it piped into my home:D)

At 10cm it went horribly wrong, T decided to rotate back to back and come out face first, the midwife didnt realise until the Registrar came to examine me. I had been left to push for over three hours and was utterly exhausted, I had to literally beg for an epidural. The pain was horrendous. If someone handed me a loaded gun I would have happily shot myself just to make it stop. For a short while I understood what it would be like to loose your mind.

T's was in distress and needed to be hoicked out, they used ventouse and forceps and I had a 30 stitch episiotomy - ooooff!

Would I do it all again? In a heartbeat for T, but there will defo be no child no.2!!
Cripes! That just made me a bit teary (after chuckling at your gas and air pipeline). What an ordeal - even though I did your labour thread I didn't know all the details of what happened. Bless you, sweetheart - so glad T came out safely xxx
Nine days past due date woke early with lower back ache and period type pains. Continued all day and started having proper contractions at around 4 o clock. Waters went in bed at 10.30 but meuconium present so had to go to labour ward rather than mlu. Text my mum and dad to come in and see to the animals the following morning and text my bump buddy to update pf that thins wee happening!

Checked and was 2cms, babys head very low. Put on drip throughout due to meuconium in waters. Laboured overnight and Cam was born the following morning, 10 days overdue. Had a ventous delivery to gt his head out as he was sat at a funny angle in the birth canal and was in distress. In all honestly, feel like a bit of a failure for not being able to push him out myself.

I text my friends and family. I phoned my mum and dad although, i don't remember doing this at all!

Transferred back to local mlu that day but the following day transferred via ambulance to Neonatal Unit as Cam not well and had an infection requiring IV antibiotics. Finally hime 5 days later.

Labour was the most amazing experience of my life. It seems so surreal to think i have given birth. I would love to do it again.

My HV has advised as part of mt treatment for PND to get a midwife to sit and go through my labour notes with me, as I can't remember a lot of it. My feelings of failure at not being being able to push him out myself are a contributing factor to my depression so a better understanding of what exactly happened and why should be helpful...and interesting.


Hi Emily, I didn't suffer from PND but I had a dreadful birth which I couldn't move on from so I had a debrief at the hospital back in November and it was fantastic in helping me get passed all the confusion I suffered as a result of Harry's birth. I ended up having consultant led care as I developed pre-eclampsia at 37 weeks so my consultant talked me through the birth and answered my questions. It helped me to understand the medical side of things and really lifted my mood x
I was induced for reduced movements. Told to go in on the Friday but not induced until the Saturday due to staff shortages. Consultant didn't want to send me home so I had the worst nights sleep on the ward. Propess inserted at 9am, told the baby was back to back too :( I spent the day walking around with OH and parents who visited me. 11pm lots of discharge and my bloody show-so much of it too!! Contractions started at 12 ish very quickly got to lasting 1min every 2 mins. Monitored but contractions not picked up as they were all in my back. Asked if OH could come in to support me but told no as i wasn't on labour ward. contractions got to 90 seconds long so they examined me, I was 4cm but they wouldn't break my waters as they were short staffed on labour ward and I'd have to stay on the induction ward. They removed the pessary and said that might slow things down. It didn't I begged for pain relief of some kind I felt like my back was breaking, told they would see if labour ward would admit me for diamorphine and 2hours later they let me down there. Begged for oh to be able to come in and they said yes but only for the injection then he'd have to go as they wouldn't be admitting me to labour ward. They made me have monitoring before the injection but babies hb was too high and erratic so they said I couldn't have the diamorphine. Another mw said I needed to go on a walk as I was only on early labour and the contractions were not coming up on her monitor. Also
Said i didn't need diamorphine as it would all get a lot worse when i was in proper labour!! I said they're all in my back but was ignored. At this point the contractions went to every 5-10 mins so after another hour I was sent back up to the induction ward being told someone else needed my space on labour ward. Spent the rest of the Saturday losing lots of bloody discharge and leaking, I asked to be examined and if it could be my waters but told I'd know if it was my waters. By this point I couldn't walk or lay down I was just stood the pain was horrendous and not from the contractions but because I had actually lost most of my waters it turns out so baby was back to back just pressing down on me. By 7pm I felt really sick and my patents visited me. I was exhausted and couldn't move. I was then actually sick and a tiny gush had what was left of my waters come out. I sent my mum to ask the mw to see me. She said it was staff change over and I'd have to wait a bit. I then felt baby drop inside me and had very intense pressure like I needed to push out a poo( sorry!). The mw finally said ok you're going down to labour ward. Got to the consultant led side and was examined. The new mw (so much nicer) said your 8 possibly 9cm dilated have some gas and air! She also let me be monitored standing up and the bloody contractions started showing up then!! baby was also trying to turn out of the back to back position.
After 1 hour I was 10cm and ready to push I was pushing for another hour but couldn't get babies head out it just got so far and sucked back in. I was just too exhausted. The doctor came in and decided they'd do a ventouse and little Elsie was born not long after with me still in shock and I had a numb face as I'd been sucking on that gas and air so much. They then left her on me for 20 mins whilst I was stitched up and they even let my patents into the infamous labour ward to see her ( I think the nice mw felt a bit sorry for me). A lady came in to help me bath and dress after and we were then taken back to a bloody ward and OH told he had to go home so I was left on my own with my baby on a ward feeling very alone and emotional. The next day my hb was high 134 then 126 they said I'd have to stay in but I begged them saying its because I've been stuck in hospital for 3 nights and the doctor took pity and let me out when it went down to 106 ( the next day it was 76 at home when checked by the mw). So there we go. Not what I expected at all and because of staffing issues etc one that's made me very upset about it all. But looking at my little girl I know she's worth it :)
Woke up to gushing waters ten minutes after falling asleep, drove to hospital to be told I was only 1cm dilated (was having bad contractions straight away) and that it'd take 13 hours at least.
I texted my dad initially but that was it!
Reluctantly went home in agony and got in the bath only to end up giving birth an hour later with paramedics on my living room carpet!

I phoned my dad straight after, then my oh phoned his mum and my mum.

It was terrifying at the time but I'm glad we got to be home now and feel lucky there were no complications but I do have a lot of anger for the horrific treatment I received at the hospital (the wf was rude and also wouldn't check how dilated I was after I'd been waiting for her for an hour and could no longer stand up during contractions!), if my oh hadn't called an ambulance when he did (10mins before she was born) who know what would've happened as E had the cord around her neck. I'm also quite proud of not having any pain relief until one puff of gas during the ring of fire!
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Woke up to gushing waters ten minutes after falling asleep, drove to hospital to be told I was only 1cm dilated (was having bad contractions straight away) and that it'd take 13 hours at least.
I texted my dad initially but that was it!
Reluctantly went home in agony and got in the bath only to end up giving birth an hour later with paramedics on my living room carpet!

I phoned my dad straight after, then my oh phoned his mum and my mum.

It was terrifying at the time but I'm glad we got to be home now and feel lucky there were no complications but I do have a lot of anger for the horrific treatment I received at the hospital (the wf was rude and also wouldn't check how dilated I was after I'd been waiting for her for an hour and could no longer stand up during contractions!), if my oh hadn't called an ambulance when he did (10mins before she was born) who know what would've happened as E had the cord around her neck.

How horrendous for you. The way so many people have been treated by some mw is outrageous. So glad your little girl was ok xx
I was put on a drip to start me off and had an epidural straight away so didn't feel my contractions at the beginning... At the end I def did though and then ended up having an emergency section x
Woke up at 11pm at 41+3 (Thursday) with what I thought were contractions.. Didn't wake OH until they got strong at 4am! Went into hospital at 6am - was only 2cm dilated, was kept in & finally got to the delivery suite..
On gas & air, contractions got stronger & had diamorphine.. Waters were broken & couldn't handle the pain at all so had epidural.. Finally fully dilated after several hours, but had a lip on my cervix meaning the baby's head wouldn't come down.. Was left on the drip for hours & hours to encourage lip to go.. Didn't work!
Finally, on the saturday morning, they decided there was no option but a c section.. I was gutted after being in labour for well over 24 hours! :( Topped up epidural, but not enough - cut my belly open & I felt everything!! (Sorry to squeamish ladies!).. Got put under general anaesthetic & put out fully.. Ethan was born at 10:25am on the Saturday & I didn't see him until he was 3 hours old when I eventually came round!

So jealous of everyone that managed to give birth naturally & have their baby put on their chests straight away!
Keeping my fingers crossed for next time!
Nine days past due date woke early with lower back ache and period type pains. Continued all day and started having proper contractions at around 4 o clock. Waters went in bed at 10.30 but meuconium present so had to go to labour ward rather than mlu. Text my mum and dad to come in and see to the animals the following morning and text my bump buddy to update pf that thins wee happening!

Checked and was 2cms, babys head very low. Put on drip throughout due to meuconium in waters. Laboured overnight and Cam was born the following morning, 10 days overdue. Had a ventous delivery to gt his head out as he was sat at a funny angle in the birth canal and was in distress. In all honestly, feel like a bit of a failure for not being able to push him out myself.

I text my friends and family. I phoned my mum and dad although, i don't remember doing this at all!

Transferred back to local mlu that day but the following day transferred via ambulance to Neonatal Unit as Cam not well and had an infection requiring IV antibiotics. Finally hime 5 days later.

Labour was the most amazing experience of my life. It seems so surreal to think i have given birth. I would love to do it again.

My HV has advised as part of mt treatment for PND to get a midwife to sit and go through my labour notes with me, as I can't remember a lot of it. My feelings of failure at not being being able to push him out myself are a contributing factor to my depression so a better understanding of what exactly happened and why should be helpful...and interesting.


Emily..I had a similar experience. Looking back I loved the experience but can't help but feel I failed because I could get Madison out on my own and needed a lot of help with ventouse, also prepped for a c section which I was so trying to avoid so pushed with every ounce of energy left. I pushed for 2 hours before I got to that stage and I was exhausted. I feel like things weren't really explained to me very well afterwards, when I was on the postnatal ward someone was meant to come and go through what happened with me but no one did. :(
Gosh mrswoody (and Emily) I came so close to needing intervention I am very thankful my MW's didn't give up on me.. They goaded me, told me off and were were very firm with me - I wanted to punch them both!!

BUT they got James out safely. I was exhausted, I had all but given up and would have gladly agreed to any intervention [even a c-section].

I felt quite upset about my experience to begin with but after about a week I was able to look back on it and feel pleased with the way things went. Yes it was long and hard and tiring but I was very lucky I think?

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Mine were both so encouraging and did everything they could to help me. M was a stubborn so and so and was back to back so I really did get her as far as I could on my own. I do remember saying "ease don't say I'm doing well if I'm not you need to be firm" but apperently I was doing well just couldn't get little miss through the bend!
Maybe next time no 2 won't be so stubborn lol
I woke up with contractions, went to the loo and had a show and my waters popped. My contractions were 3-4 minutes apart straight away and 45 sec long and were painful straight away so i went to the hospital.
Was admitted at 3 cm as i had raised bp. By 6 cm i cant remember much apart from begging for an epidural.
I cant say i cant wait to do it again cause it was painful and horrible, but i got my baby in the end. I wish i could surpass the labour bit somehow

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
I was booked in for induction at 39+5 due to pre-eclampsia with consistently raised blood pressure and had two pessaries within 24 hours of each other, the second one resulted in my hind waters breaking. After contractions failed to pick up I was put on the drip and had my forewaters broken by the consultant, a 6ft bloke with huge hands! Safe to say it was extremely painful! Anyway, 6 hours later and still no contractions the team started preparing me for a c-section until someone realised the cannula in my hand had failed and was actually pumping drugs into the flesh of my hand rather than the vein! After reinserting into the other hand contractions become regular and Painful quickly. I had G&A and a shot of pethedine which just made me feel sick and agitated. My BP was still elevated at this stage but baby's heartbeat normal so a midwife strongly encouraged me to have the epidural to avoid it affecting baby (something I later regretted and questioned!) after 14 hours in total on the drip I got to 10cm and was told to push. After 90 mins and no progression the consultant and paediatric team (about 8 members of staff) came into the room with the ventouse (as baby's shoulders were stuck) and after an episiotomy it took only a few minutes to deliver the baby. He was in shock and it seemed like hours before he took his first breath and cried. The consultant then showed me his little distressed face and asked me if I wanted skin to skin, however it became obvious he wasn't well and was whisked off to neonatal and I didn't see him for an entire day. I had a dreadful time and felt extremely low for weeks after Harry was born and my HV recommended a birth debrief at the hospital which helped immensely as questions were answered and my mind was finally put at rest! Having said all that I can't wait to do it all again!!
What did you do first? - Thought oh crap actually have to do this followed by deep breathing :)

Who did you ring first? - Hospital to let them know it had started, followed by texting everyone to let them know it started, then my mum called to say she was coming over and I said no lol :)

Where were you? At home, it all started at 6.30 in the morning, I had used Clary Sage and Aqueous cream rubbed in the night before..

What's your feelings about it now? - Happy, as hard as it was I have a beautful baby boy now that I love with all my heart, the pain was worth it.
What did you do first? I think I did my make-up & hair lol
What's your feelings about it now? Would do it again right this second if I could:)
Who did you ring first?
Where were you?
id already had a view visitd to the hospital so was at home
With my oh & my mum was staying with us (as we dont drive)
& had just go up like normal and was still getting contritions but after and hour
After been up they got very strong so call the merternity ward..
From some ladies talking about how they did their hair/shaved their legs I think I must have an really low pain threshold! All I did was thrash about in the bath lol! Xx
I feel like a failure for not being able to push him out on my own, got to 10cms easy enough then contractions just disappeared or slowed, great I thought but I needed them to push, I think I was getting 20 secs of pushing time every now and then; 2 hours pushing, they got him out with ventouse after 2 pushes, they numbed me for that with local, so never felt ring of fire
From some ladies talking about how they did their hair/shaved their legs I think I must have an really low pain threshold! All I did was thrash about in the bath lol! Xx

I washed my hair if that counts?

This was bath number 4 though (I'd been having contractions for 36 hours by then!!)

I feel like a failure for not being able to push him out on my own, got to 10cms easy enough then contractions just disappeared or slowed, great I thought but I needed them to push, I think I was getting 20 secs of pushing time every now and then; 2 hours pushing, they got him out with ventouse after 2 pushes, they numbed me for that with local, so never felt ring of fire

The ring of fire wasn't as painful as the contractions (for me anyway) and after that he just kind of slithered out :shock:

T arrived at 40+11 - he was too snug. My labour was amazing and I manage at home for two hours with just slight niggles, went to the hospital where I was already 5cm. I reached 10cm six hours later on nothing but gas and air - was laughing my socks off on the stuff, it was brilliant (thinking about getting it piped into my home:D)

At 10cm it went horribly wrong, T decided to rotate back to back and come out face first, the midwife didnt realise until the Registrar came to examine me. I had been left to push for over three hours and was utterly exhausted, I had to literally beg for an epidural. The pain was horrendous. If someone handed me a loaded gun I would have happily shot myself just to make it stop. For a short while I understood what it would be like to loose your mind.

T's was in distress and needed to be hoicked out, they used ventouse and forceps and I had a 30 stitch episiotomy - ooooff!

Would I do it all again? In a heartbeat for T, but there will defo be no child no.2!!
Cripes! That just made me a bit teary (after chuckling at your gas and air pipeline). What an ordeal - even though I did your labour thread I didn't know all the details of what happened. Bless you, sweetheart - so glad T came out safely xxx

Sorry hun xxx all that matters is that he arrived ok. He came out shouting and hasn't stopped since :D ha ha ha ha ha xxx
Was induced.
DH rang my mum first after LO born.
I loved my labour - even though it wasn't a bed of roses I loved it. All part of the experience and one I will never have again. x
To quote FBE:

'If someone handed me a loaded gun I would have happily shot myself just to make it stop. For a short while I understood what it would be like to loose your mind.'

I too asked DH to shoot me a few times during labour and also suggested I would do it myself if he could find me a weapon.
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