You may be able to start getting excited... OR NOT :-(

:x :x :x :x
It has all but stopped :cry: :cry:

Been running up the stairs and bouncing down them on my bum - rang the labour ward and they gave me a number to ring in the morning and then they'll send someone out to examine me and see what they can do.

I was so happy that my homebirth was good to go and now it looks like it's slipping through my fingers again :( :(

Am so angry with myself it's indescribeable. I mean just how bloody hard is it to go into labour and I can't even fooking do that :(
:hug: :hug: :hug:

dont give up hun, it must be soooo bloody frustrating but you're doing everything you can :hug: :hug: :hug: Has hubby given you a good seeing to yet? maybe thats whats needed right now :wink:

We'll be trying that later - unfortunately my 2 year old would relish the opportunity to walk in and spoil the mood :lol:
I really feel for you; Green Bean is really stringing it out now (excuse the pun).

Actually I ate green beans the other night and thought of you :rotfl:
I was like that hun stop start for 4 days. If you can even though it's horrible out go for a good walk. I walked as fast as i could lol into town which is 2 miles,by the time i got there i was in pain but i walked back again and within an hour of getting back the pains were very strong and 6 hours later i had my little one,good luck hope you get your home birth. xx
Mine stopped for a good while too MM, you may get your homebirth yet! funnily enough mine woke me up when i got into bed and rested - and they did first time around too.

Dont despair!!!
a really hot bath worked for me hun and the red ring was really fetching lol
Have sex and lots of it!!

Fingers crossed!

LOL@ the durex tingle though!!
Just had a contraction ... shame it's the first since lunchtime :roll:
My poor nipples are red raw from me tweaking them. Well, tweaking is putting it kindly, I've nearly been ripping them off :oops:
Have been running up the stairs and jumping down them 2 at a time (holding on tightly of course) Had bumping down the stairs competitions with my 2 years old and have walked around my living room 100 times in both directions.
Had a good delve around 'up there' managed to get a finger in my cervix, but when I went to the toilet again 20 mins later, I couldn't :roll:
Going to have some rough sex from behind (I mean rough - was in agony last night) again tonight and then get DH to do another sweep.
All in all a very unhappy MM - I know it could all happen suddenly but I really don't think my luck is going to run that good.
DD's present from the baby is sat on the side taunting me as well. Bloody Thomas the Tank Engine carpet :x SHe should have it in her bedroom by now - instead its sat here wrapped up really badly waiting for Green Bean to get the hell out of me :x

I'm currently lurching between desperately wanting to meet my baby and be a family of 4 and kiss and cuddle him/her and feeling a shameful sense of loathing that he/she is putting me through this :oops:
I know in the grand scheme of things it is nothing - many people have much much worse things to worry about and contend with - but I just can't seem to get a grip at the moment.
monster_munch said:
Happybunny said:
Hope things keep going nice and steady! Did OH really give you a sweep??? :shock:

Things are going reaaaaaaly slowly :bored: :bored:

Yes he did do it - albeit begrudgingly and with a bright blue latex glove on :lol: oh and we didn't have any KY so used durex tingle... that was a funny feeling I tell you.

:rotfl: :rotfl: Had me and OH in stiches!!

In all seriousness though, reading the rest of thread, poor you :hug:
I can completely understand why you are fed up. I really can't give any advice, but I really really hope this baby pulls it's finger out tonight! :hug:
Aww monster munch i had my contractions all through the day then they stopped, got them at stupid o clock in the morning and was in the hospital a few hours and she was born.

I bet youl go through something simillar, hey will start later and youd hav had her later, your contractions starting again are a good sign.

:hug: :hug: :hug: bloody green bean giving you all this grief! only a girl could be this bad!
:hug: :hug: :hug:

I laughed so much at the sweep thing. My OH looked at me and told me not even to think about it as there was NO WAY he'd do it. Lol.

Sorry it's taking so long for you, i really really really want you to get the homebirth you want. I'll be thinking of you. Still time yet xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Green Bean is just teasing you now come on Green Bean times up.

Im guessing boy by the way :D
Green Bean I demand you get out of you mummy now! We all want to meet you :shakehead:

How are you this morning hun? :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oooo Im hoping things are moving for you now babe and thats why you havent been on!!!

(Its either that or she cant walk after lasts nights eviction sex and numerous sweeps and hasnt managed to get to the pc :wink: )

(Its either that or she cant walk after lasts nights eviction sex and numerous sweeps and hasnt managed to get to the pc :wink: )
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I hope green bean is on it's way...come on we all want to meet you now!!!!

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