you know.. just incase..

It's funny cos hairy legs & foof don't really bother me. HOWEVER, god forbid :shock: I have hairy armpits, I'd never forgive myself!!!

Gonna wait a bit longer & get them waxed. It dosen't actually hurt as much as you'd think.
I am soooo confused about this! I normally shave off everything... but at the moment I cant see well enough to do this. I am debating whether to keep trying to shave it all off OR just keep it trimmed short? haha. I dont know whether a completely shave mooey would be weird, like a child giving birth!?! lmao.

Not too bothered about hairy legs but I am sure closer to the time I will be on top of the toe nail painting and arm pit shaving! xx
My OH always thought I was weird, Never fussed about my legs being shaved, and foof was only done on special occasions (In other words when it got so ridiculously fluffy that you couldnt see skin LOL) but armpits.. I was paranoid over!

Now im preggo i dont care about legs or pits, just foof! Just damn annoying that im now allergic to veet! But got a new quattro trimmer thing to play with.. if i can reach, I know im gonna end up leaving a big chunk of hair and look even worse LOL
omg i couldnt do hairy pits! i have to shave them every morning! its just one thing i cant abide!!
Hairy pits just remind me of stinky old men with BO! Seriously gross although when I'm at work doing a massage on an old lady with a hairy fufu sticking out the sides of her knickers, that kinda makes me cringe too!
haha well i think what i had to do once at work beats it all chaz.. a woman had shit herself and was quite violent so we couldnt come close to her for a long time so the shit dried and was working like a glue- knicks stuck to her pubes and yeah.. i had to kneel down and cut her shitty pubes of to get her knicks of to be able to wash her.. and i was about 30 weeks pregnant..

bless her tho.
And thats why I couldnt work with the elderly or severely mentally ill..
:shock: :sick:

thats horrible with the poo & pubes, lol

im a bit obsessed with hair still... everymorning when i was my hair i shave everywhere, well i try my best with my floo, lol

but my good firends a nail tech & 1 a midwife & both said in our hosptial its now procedure to take all nail varnish off... fingers & toes to check for oxygen levels... so im gona have my acrylic nails soaked off and painted clear and a pedicure on my toes & just hope they dont notice, lol

Jayne (the Nail Tech) had her acyrlic nials taken off while in labour, with nail clippers, they literally ripped them off, and she was mortified :-( and they made her nails porly too with rippin em off.

haha well i think what i had to do once at work beats it all chaz.. a woman had shit herself and was quite violent so we couldnt come close to her for a long time so the shit dried and was working like a glue- knicks stuck to her pubes and yeah.. i had to kneel down and cut her shitty pubes of to get her knicks of to be able to wash her.. and i was about 30 weeks pregnant..

bless her tho.

Omg! I've just read this!! That's awful! I think I would've thrown up!!
well if u know someone cant help it then its not too bad really.

im not even gettin dressed today n i was gonna to my nails..

i love my nails atm as they r strong n white n lovely but surely they need to be trimmed down so i dont scratch noa?
I got me nail varnish today for my toes! Raspberry ripple! :-) now the next step is to persuade OH to do my toes for me! Lol! It was tough enough to get him to help me trim my fuffle :rofl:

I do have plans to have a French manicure on my nails and get my eyebrows done before birth. I'm not too fussed about midwife seeing hairy legs and fuffle - it is the post baby photos I'm more bothered about! :-)
Ahh this is funny, hope those midwifes admire the nails when you go in ladies!

I have a section , so they tell me to strip off the nail polish, but to be fair, I always sneek on a nice coat of shiney clear polish for my own self! they can still see the colour my nails go if go blue in thearte then ! (I always sneek a little cover makeup on too, tee hee ) what are we like
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i said to oh "i need to get some new colour for my nails!"
he was like whats wrong with them?

Evelina the dramaqueen..
"what if the mw looks at them and say how can you look after noa when you cant even look after your nails :cry: "
so he told me to go n get myself a nice red one now, hes treat :yay:
My OH flatly refused to do my nails "I'm not doing that for you! I already do enough!!!" So I did it myself in front of him watching the telly with much groaning and struggling and the occassional gasp of pain when my foot cramped.

Didnt make any difference as he just pointedly ignored me and stared at the telly! :wall2:

But I did pretty well though and went so far as to do my fingers as well - at least I look all nice now for my baby shower tomorrow! :dance:
I really wanna do my nails!! They look so bare! I doubt I'll reach though!
i asked OH but i dont think he will.. i think i will do it infront of him to but i bet you he will just sit there pissing himself laughing!

O.. and i ask if he could finger around abit and see if he could find my cervix as i cant.. HE REFUSED!! so i asked if he can feel an end of the tunnel with his lovestick but he didnt wanna answer :shock:
i asked OH but i dont think he will.. i think i will do it infront of him to but i bet you he will just sit there pissing himself laughing!

O.. and i ask if he could finger around abit and see if he could find my cervix as i cant.. HE REFUSED!! so i asked if he can feel an end of the tunnel with his lovestick but he didnt wanna answer :shock:

LOL U Make me laugh!:lol::rofl:
i wonder what it means tho.. yes or no.. :(

im strating to think i got no cervix!
i asked OH but i dont think he will.. i think i will do it infront of him to but i bet you he will just sit there pissing himself laughing!

O.. and i ask if he could finger around abit and see if he could find my cervix as i cant.. HE REFUSED!! so i asked if he can feel an end of the tunnel with his lovestick but he didnt wanna answer :shock:

It probably just means he can feel it, but it weirds him out and he doesnt wanna talk bout it. To men that opening is purely sexual and to think of it in any other way is just odd :P It would be like us thinking about a penis as something to stir soup with! :P

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