
thats good news, hopefully bubba wont make you wait much longer :) xx
Very exciting!! And 2-3 cm already!! Bet ur going to have a very quick labour :) Best of luck xx
Yay so pleased to read this nurse! Hope it's quick now :)

All the best for the birth! Xxx
Ah am jealous nurse! Nothing
For me yet :-(
I thought that too though rosey till midwife examined so you never know! Might be sooner than you think
Hey hun that's good news, exciting!! You feeling nervous now? Hope all goes well for you xx
EEEEEEEEP! Nurse!! You're 40 WEEKS!!!! I can't believe I nearly missed this. Can't wait to follow your labour thread and have you in baby and toddler :D :hug: xxxxxxxxxxx
morning :) was having regular pains up till about 3am, then managed to get some sleep, some pains this morning but nothing regular yet, generally feeling uncomfy though, we shall see what the day brings, going to potter around and do some cleaning :) xx
:D sounds good! I'm going to clean the car today, scrubbed the lounge rug yesterday and cleaning my sister's house tomorrow so trying to keep active. Am running out of things to do though lol

Hope it speeds up for you hunny xxxxxxxxxx
Ooh good luck nurse! Excited for you :) hope baby makes an appearance soon! Xx
:yay: fab news Hun! Go for a long walk
(with someone lol). I can't believe u are 40 weeks and like Olive said, really looking forward to seeing u in B&T. Best of luck lovely, I'l look out for Ur labour thread xx
Good luck nurse, hope things go quickly for u xx
So excited for you nurse! Can't wait for your labour thread! Xxxxx
Wow great stuff, right 'Baby out plan' as follows....

Grab a floor scrubber and bucket of soapy water,
Prepare a pineapple stalk
bend over the stairs,
get hubby to mount you!
scrub like your life depended
get hubs to feed you stalk at same time!

baby will be here in no time! xx

good luck xxx
Wow great stuff, right 'Baby out plan' as follows....

Grab a floor scrubber and bucket of soapy water,
Prepare a pineapple stalk
bend over the stairs,
get hubby to mount you!
scrub like your life depended
get hubs to feed you stalk at same time!

baby will be here in no time! xx

good luck xxx

Bloody hell talk about multi tasking :rofl:

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