yet more maternity clothes came today


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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must stop ordering things got a nice off green longish top
2 vests black + red
anougher pair of jeans but they ae huge!!!
anyone else find littlewoods 10's are massive yet next 10's fit me fine i recon atleast 3 inches in it
manda xx
i have 2 tops from newlook and they are huge on me dont no about bottoms though
manda xx
i dont own any normal tops though as i hate sleeves makes me feel funny so all i own is vests so had to buy some mat tops with sleeves eep
manda xx
i don't think i'm going to bother with maternity tops. do want a comfy pair of work trousers though! x
I got away without needing any maternity tops last time. Depends what style your normal tops are.
I can't wait to buy cute materinity tops. :D
I dont know what im gonna do im a bit of a heffer to start being a size 18-20 so aint got much scope to go and buy bigger sizes!
aww hun im quite sure newlooks mat sizes go up to a 26 like there normal range
manda xx
nw1 said:
I dont know what im gonna do im a bit of a heffer to start being a size 18-20 so aint got much scope to go and buy bigger sizes!

I am a big lass too, but never fear, Simply-be and Evans online have maternity wear (all the way to size 32!!!).

My sis is the same size as you and she got through with Dorothy Perkins and Mothercare, they both go up to 20.

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