Would you worry?


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2005
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Some of the girls in tri 2 are talking about being woken up by their babies and how hard they kick, i remember how much the kicks hurt from being preg with DD. But this one is so quiet and its kicks hardly even notice, i havent had any hands or feet suck out yet and his kicks are nowhere near waking me up or hurting. I thought that i would feel it more this time as last time i had the placenta at the front blocking kicks and this time its at the back. I ferst felt him very early on 11+4 weeks and the kicks havent really changed that much since.

Should i worry? He kicks the midwife when she uses the dopler, just he's very gentle compared to DD and i cant really describe them as kicks more wiggles.

What do you think?
as long as you feel movment your ok.. as you have had a front placenta i wouldnt stress about it.. it doesnt matter how hard they kick.. jsut that they are moving and kicking..
i think about that too.
also kicks in the ribs... i havent had any yet! and babys head down so wonder why :think:
also.. people say they can grab babys feet or hands and theres no way i could do that!
lisa&alex said:
Babylicious said:
so you are having a boy then :shhh:

hahhahah!! the secrets out!! :rotfl:

lol.. p.s kelly.. told u!!

i think she said a few months ago that they're calling the baby "he" anyway cos they dont like calling it "it"!
kellysomer said:
Some of the girls in tri 2 are talking about being woken up by their babies and how hard they kick, i remember how much the kicks hurt from being preg with DD. But this one is so quiet and its kicks hardly even notice, i havent had any hands or feet suck out yet and his kicks are nowhere near waking me up or hurting. I thought that i would feel it more this time as last time i had the placenta at the front blocking kicks and this time its at the back. I ferst felt him very early on 11+4 weeks and the kicks havent really changed that much since.

Should i worry? He kicks the midwife when she uses the dopler, just he's very gentle compared to DD and i cant really describe them as kicks more wiggles.

What do you think?

I have just sent a pm to one of the girls on the forum about exactly the same thing. Tim used to kick the daylights out of me and yet this one just seems to turn over and give the very occassional kick. I have a scan this aft so maybe I will ask if everything looks ok. Maybe I have an anterior placenta and thats why I don't feel them. They're not frequent enough for my liking either!.
I was never woken up by James' kicks last time, I don't think they were as hard compared to some either.

This time round the kicks are very delicate and at my 20 week scan the sonographer commented on what a gentle baby I've got, and how it's movements are very small and delicate.

I don't think you should worry, I think it's down to the baby's personality, it's position, the amount of padding mum has etc etc :hug: :hug: :hug:

ETA: I have a posterier placenta (at the back), I asked at my scan cos I wondered if the kicks were so light due to it being in the front
I just thought that they would harder this time having the placenta at the back this time, i feel baby wriggling all the time so i suppose i shouldn't worry. Its just gentle, maybe i'll be lucky and get a nice gentle labour too..... :wink:

My babies have always been called he, even Isla was he, so i'm not telling you'll have to wait another 13 weeks to find out.... :rotfl: I absolutely hate the whole 'it' thing!
Kelly, you;re a few days ahead of me and although I feel a lot of kicking and movement, I don't know if I have been woken up by it. I'm awake a lot during the night anyway but the kicks I feel are always harder when I am laying on my back, rather than on my side and I do my best to make sure I stay on my side as much as possible when I sleep. I wouldn't worry at all if I were you.
Oh, i was getting worried that people behind me were getting woken up by baby. Thanks hun for the info. :cheer:
This is my forth baby, my 1st 2i had lots of kicks etc, 3rd my placenta was at the front too so the whole kicking/movement thing was different, this one the placenta is a t the back too and the kicks are/were so much like when the placenta was at the front but i think this one is still led across my tummy and also if it is facing backwards you wont fel so many of the kicks so don't worry.

Up until this past week i've hardlt felt many kicks and nothing that has hurt but these past few days/nights its wriggling a lot more and making me squirm at times, esecially in my side and it did give me one big boot the other day which made me think 'ah it can kick hard then' lol

Its probably just the ways its led hun, if you are worried though just ask your midwife, they might even scan you to see how its laid
i dont get waken up either , in fact i think his a really lazy one cos i dont feel him for hours at a time like alot of women , altho last ngiht he was active most of the night but i felt this cos i couldnt sleep. sometimes its uncomfy and can even make me feel sick lol but i wouldnt say hurt ! makes me jump tho !
i was never woken up by either of my 2, wish i could say that now they are here lol, make the most of it they will keep you awake enough for the next god knows how many years :rotfl:
G3M said:
i dont get waken up either , in fact i think his a really lazy one cos i dont feel him for hours at a time like alot of women , altho last ngiht he was active most of the night but i felt this cos i couldnt sleep. sometimes its uncomfy and can even make me feel sick lol but i wouldnt say hurt ! makes me jump tho !

I have to say, when I've been awake, I have been getting so much movement the past few days that I have been feeling a little bit nauseus from it. Never thought that would happen LOL.

Had a better sleep last night though and didn't feel any kicks all night - although Flump was very active all night before hand. LOL

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