where are you feeling movments? kicks pushes pressure ect?


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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hey everyone... just wondering where everyone feels kicks and movments? im 33 weeks today :shock: :shhh: :shakehead:

and i can feel a lot of pushing/pressure in both ribs.. sort of like something pushign on both at the same time.. i feel kicks under my right rib usually and above my belly button on the left.. and sort of fumbeling near my hips.. althought kicking has slowed right down the last few days and im haivng more sweeping movment that real kicks..also.. when i have hicups.. i can feel something bashing my pubic bone and just below my rib..

anyone else??? got mw thursday.. hoping bubs is still headdown.. :pray:

*edit* lol

ill post the picture that i just sent to u on msn and u should post urs lol

look at my gorgeous pert boobies. hands off everyone :D

lovin the diagrams :rotfl: :rotfl:

i'm not clever enough to do that - but several times a day i'm getting a sort of pushing pressure up under my right ribcage and a jabbing pressure right down over what feels like my cervix... its seriously uncomfortable and i can't work out what parts of his anatomy are causing what where!

the rest of the time, i just get nudges and kicks around the trouser waistband area...
i cant draw on this computer but mine is similar to yours lisa.

her bum is pushing top right

kicks from feet top left and a sore pelvis with odd movements down there.

She s not moved places in ages other than moving further down!!
like the pictures :D

mine seems to be kicking on the right side, with a foot in my rib cage 24/7.. ive got midwife today at 1.45 so im gonna ask what way shes laying and if shes head down.
Well heres my little artistic drawing of where my movements are...

I get loads of pressure in my pelvis too when a lot of kicking is going on....


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: i just think the drawing is funny..
mine for the last say 10 weeks of pregnancy has been like lisa's image and he has been head down all this time :D love the art work ladies :D
Great drawings girls. :clap:

I have to say that with only a couple of days to go....... :pray: ......I am feeling movement all over and it is so uncomfortable. :cry:
Lovely drawings- not able to do one though :(

She is head down and the bum is normally at the top left of the bump with big pushes and things poking out at the top right - occ she switches sides and this is reversed.

I get fumblings and hicups low down- normally bottom left of bump.
:rotfl: :rotfl: Love the drawings.

Most of my movement is lower down, not to much in the rib area and lots of pushing to the left of my bump. Hope this makes sence. If its any help to anyone baby is still head up.
I've done a drawing but it's so alarmingly bad that I can't post it! :rotfl: It's that bad the Tate Gallery would probably snatch my arm off for it! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

My movements are very similar to Lisa's... I've got a wriggling bum that moves from left to right across the top of my bump just under my ribs... I get a sliding lump across my belly button sometimes too. The worse ones are down by my hips though...It's agony! It's a sort of fumbling/pushing/shoving movement that bloody kills!
im pretty sure this babe is transverse cos i dont feel anything high up i feel strong kicks to the very right and gentler ones to the left. i think its led face down sideways??? what do you think? im carrying really low this time and i havent had any aching ribs or movement by my ribs like i did with nathan
This Is What I Feel..

Baby Is Engaged To That Is Accounting For The Low Pain & Pressure Im Having. Everything Else Is Pretty Much All Over-(Above & Around The Belly Button) :) xxx
bloody hell Carly...that pic is like looking at a medical book!!! :lol: :lol:
lol. this threads made me laugh today.. especially squigs green pubes...
my LO has gone breech, so head under ribs and tap dances on my bladder!!!!! very uncomfortable :roll:
bonny said:
:rotfl: :rotfl: Love the drawings.

Most of my movement is lower down, not to much in the rib area and lots of pushing to the left of my bump. Hope this makes sence. If its any help to anyone baby is still head up.

I was gonna say mine is like yours but then i read...

nathanmum said:
im pretty sure this babe is transverse cos i dont feel anything high up i feel strong kicks to the very right and gentler ones to the left. i think its led face down sideways??? what do you think? im carrying really low this time and i havent had any aching ribs or movement by my ribs like i did with nathan

and this is very much like mine is feeling. When i had my very 1st early scan baby was laid across, face down, i know too early for position etc but at nearly every app/scan i have had its been transverse, twice breech and once head down at 28 weeks on scan and the doc 'thought' head down at 31 weeks but i'm pretty sure its still transverse as my movements/kicks etc feel nothing like any of my others and they were all head down all the way thru.

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