would you want to know?


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2007
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That early sex test is all over the news! Would you want to know the sex of your baby at 6 weeks? I'm a very impatient person by nature so I wouldn't mind knowing early. However I can't afford it right now, it's available for about £189 online (not sure which website). :think:
I don't need it now as I know im having a little lady but I think I would have definatly gone for it if I had the money but it is a bit pricey.
I would be very tempted if it wasn't so bloody expensive :shock:

Surely in time it will become cheaper like every other new gadget and gizmo but at the moment, I couldn't justify spending that much!
Gosh how can they detect that early what its likely to be? :? I think id just rather wait for the normal 20 wk scan :)
If I had the money I would definately find out.

Only problem with this test is, at 6 weeks you can still have an abortion, so some might use it for immoral purposes, if theyw anted a girl and got a boy or vice versa, so I do think its abit of a slippery slope...
I dont agree with this, let nature takes it course..

abortion rates will rise now if ppl have this done, goverment said in the paper, not to have it done, as lots of ppl will be dissapointed and if its not what they want they will get rid...and i belive it, especially here,
sunshinestars said:
I dont agree with this, let nature takes it course..

abortion rates will rise now if ppl have this done, goverment said in the paper, not to have it done, as lots of ppl will be dissapointed and if its not what they want they will get rid...and i belive it, especially here,

Yeah thats what I was trying to say :D
well said!!!
I have to agree ladies... such a shame....

I think though i would still like to know, but you can have a private sexing scan for around £75 now..... and thats from 16 weeks.... so another option if it's the sex your after and NOT this horrible CHOOSING what to go on to have thing thats i fear might happen too.... :cry:

But erm..nature well she might just surprise us as nothing is guaranteed...so that wee 1% wrong sex.... well that could be you...and £186 for nothing... maybe wait till the 9 months is up... who knows... i REALLY want a 4D scan though.. :rotfl: Mum said she would half in... fo I would only pay £100...but you get video 30 minutes, plus four A4 size scan pictures ......not bad eh?

mmmmmmmmmm.... wait in see or find out????????????? :rotfl: :rotfl:
Lv Yvonne xx
yea i saw that on news and thought wtf, whats the point just wait for the 20week one. just wait for the lil to be born simple init. why pay laods of money to find out what gender it is?
We never found out, never asked at the hospital scans and even had a 4d scan @ 27 weeks but asked them not to scan round the gentials....It was such a wonderful surprise when baby was lifted from me (c section) and my midwife called OH to look, he gasped said "Theres a baby" and burst into tears!!! It took him a few seconds and the midwife mouthing "A girl" at him to realise, and then tell me we had a daughter :cheer: I was so thrilled, I secretly always wanted a girl but was convinced I was carrying a boy as I was carrying different to my sister who had had a girl before me.

I would not change it for the world leaving it as a surprise, it was amazing and I am so glad we didnt find out xxxxxxxxxx
laetitia85 said:
That early sex test is all over the news! Would you want to know the sex of your baby at 6 weeks? I'm a very impatient person by nature so I wouldn't mind knowing early. However I can't afford it right now, it's available for about £189 online (not sure which website). :think:

i don't believe in finding out the sex at all unless for a medical reason.
It's just another money making machine really, and I don't think they should be allowed to sell it. Why do you need to find out at 6 weeks what the sex is, and if you don't like the news then it's easy to terminate and start again. Totally wrong in my opinion and only people with too much money to spend will be buying this :roll:
no matter what my situation i dont beleive in termination, id never do that to a baby. after all whats the baby done it was the couple that brought them into the world :) then the poor baby gets killed cause of them.i know some beleifs dont want girls but i dunno if i beleived if i could do it.

mines sort of a suprise anyway as sono werent definate lol well she didnt convince me.
i wanted to find out because i'm impatient lol! and also wanted to buy clothes (the neutral colours are very limiting!) and choose a name.
was frustrated at the 20-week scan when she was shy and crossed her legs! went for private scan (innervision were doing them free!) at 33 weeks and there was no mistaking her 'lady lips'!
it'd be nice to kno at 6 weeks but unless ur rich the £189 could be better spent on baby stuff or savings for baby i think, so i wouldnt get a test at that price.
and i think its wrong to abort because of the gender- but thats still possible at 20-weeks! :shock: :puke:
I want to know the sex of mine, however I think there very expensive at that price. And whatever happened to waiting for the 20week scan ??

I think as some ladies have pointed out they can be used for the wrong reasons :?
I would never have an abortion on those grounds. (i don't even believe in abortion in the first place) this test would do me or my baby no harm at all, i just wish it was less expensive!!
laetitia85 said:
I would never have an abortion on those grounds. (i don't even believe in abortion in the first place) this test would do me or my baby no harm at all, i just wish it was less expensive!!

I don't think many of us would, but some people would. And to be honest thinking about it, if its not going to change the way you feel about your baby, whats the difference between having it at 6 weeks and 20???

So to contradict myself, I probs would wait, as I don't think its a good idea in the wrong hands...
I don't think its right and I wouldn't do it. For me the main reason is 6 weeks is still very early on and if I knew the babies sex and the something went wrong I think it would make it much harder to deal with. I've found out the sex of 2 of my kids at the 20 week scan so its not like i don't agree with finding out its just I think its too early.
oh definately it makes no difference, that's why I told myself I will wait, and my OH wants to wait too. We'll find out at 20 weeks, we've made up our minds. but i wouldn't want anyone around me judging me because i chose to do it at 9 weeks if that was the case, because i know in my heart my motives for doing it would never be wrong i.e abortion. but ur right, might as well wait for the free test at 20 weeks!

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