Would you let someone else breastfeed your child?

It may seem weird but I wouldnt have a problem with another woman nursing my child if it was the healthiest option for her and i was unable to provide it myself for some reason. I would much rather she had breast milk than formula.

I wouldnt have a problem feeding someone else's child for the same reasons. In fact i think it would be an honour to help to feed another woman's baby.

I would expect that everyone involved had been tested for HIV etc.
Melanie said:
It may seem weird but I wouldnt have a problem with another woman nursing my child if it was the healthiest option for her and i was unable to provide it myself for some reason. I would much rather she had breast milk than formula.

I wouldnt have a problem feeding someone else's child for the same reasons. In fact i think it would be an honour to help to feed another woman's baby.

I would expect that everyone involved had been tested for HIV etc.

thats exactly how i feel melanie.
I dont even breastfeed (and I dont care if anyone thinks bad of me for that so dont start) but if I did theres absolutely no way I would 'share' the feeding with another woman :shock:

It just seems...wrong? :?
No way on this earth, my baby, I am responsible for whatever way I CHOOSE to feed them.

Also Kai has done fine on formula, hardly ever ill, just the odd cold, most likely as he was teething.
Melanie said:
It may seem weird but I wouldnt have a problem with another woman nursing my child if it was the healthiest option for her and i was unable to provide it myself for some reason. I would much rather she had breast milk than formula.

I wouldnt have a problem feeding someone else's child for the same reasons. In fact i think it would be an honour to help to feed another woman's baby.

I would expect that everyone involved had been tested for HIV etc.

Yeah thats what I was trying to say but you did it much better. Also Seren had to have formula in childcare as I am pants at expressing and it would have been a good option for me if someone could have fed her whoilst I was at work.

What a great job though, when I was feeding Seren frequently I would just camp on the sofa and watch dvd's and eat. Imagine being paid to do that :)

Thats funny cuz i was joking to my sister saying i could feed Annalynn ( my niece ) my breastmilk when im babysitting sinstead of giving her formula, but then when i really thought about it i said i dont think i could it would just be wierd . I think in certain cases maybe
i see nothing wrong with the principle (as long as the wet-nurse does not hav aids or is an alcoholic or something)

but i think i'd probably feel insanely jealous!

if i was in the next room like the woman in the article id wanna do it myself, but if id say, nipped out and my car had broken down or somet and my baby was hungry and she was with someone who could BF then of course id allow it! but id probably still feel jealous when i pictured them 2gethr, a bit like picturing my boyf kissing another girl kinda jealous!

missac wet-nurses were for posh people in the olden days b4 formula was invented
If I found myself in a situation where it would be the best for the baby, then yes, of course.
If I found myself in a situation where it would be the best for the baby, then yes, of course.
Interesting :)

I was wondering if it's the actual thought of your child at someone elses breast that puts people off, would it be different if it was expressed?

I still don't know how I feel about this!
If I found myself in a situation where it would be the best for the baby, then yes, of course.
Interesting :)

I was wondering if it's the actual thought of your child at someone elses breast that puts people off, would it be different if it was expressed?

I still don't know how I feel about this!

Urchin ive been thinking alot about this since its come on here for some reason , i think the reason i wouldnt do it is because of being on someone elses breast ide feel uncomfy as to me its a special bond for us and yes if a person was tested first i would let it if it was expressed as ide feel a bit less uncomfy with the idea. :)
I'd rather Alex has breastmilk from someone else either by expressed or breast than the formula top ups he's had. Personally I see a baby being breastfed by someone who has been tested for HIV etc and who signed off as ok to donate breastmilk as no different as people allowing their baby to be bottle fed formula than others, aside from the health benefits breastmilk has over formula. It's a sad fact that in our society breasts are viewed as objects to be owned, either by women who feel that their breasts are for their men and not for their babies or, as in this case, that 'my' breasts are for 'my' baby.

I would be honoured to breastfeed someone elses baby and also to donate breastmilk to help premature babies :)

In fact, Beanie, I was hoping you were going to offer up a feed when you stayed down here ;)
Kina said:
In fact, Beanie, I was hoping you were going to offer up a feed when you stayed down here ;)

hahaha no milk at this bar anymore - though if Seren sees you feed Alex then she might ask for a bit too :rotfl:

One of my friends once asked jokingly if I would feed her newborn as she was having trouble, but if she had been serious I would have done without a second thought. It wouldn't have felt odd to me, I was feeding seren all the time then so one more wouldn't have made a difference. I wouldn't have felt any emotional bond as he wasn't my baby. If Seren was having an occasinal feed from another womans beast it really wouldn't bother me, she used to be given formula top ups by her dad and nan in the early days before I was exclusively feeding and TBH I was glad of the break.
beanie said:
If Seren was having an occasinal feed from another womans beast it really wouldn't bother me, she used to be given formula top ups by her dad and nan in the early days before I was exclusively feeding and TBH I was glad of the break.

obviously I meant breast - that would be a whole other debate :rotfl:
Kina said:
I would be honoured to breastfeed someone elses baby and also to donate breastmilk to help premature babies :)

Interesting, when this question was asked, I answered thinking only of someone else's breastmilk feeding my baby, I hadn't thought of it the other way round, even though I am currently researching milk banking - donating my milk to a nearby hospital for them to use on prem or ill babies, which I would also be delighted to do - hope it all works out.

Valentine xxx
valentine said:
Kina said:
I would be honoured to breastfeed someone elses baby and also to donate breastmilk to help premature babies :)

Interesting, when this question was asked, I answered thinking only of someone else's breastmilk feeding my baby, I hadn't thought of it the other way round, even though I am currently researching milk banking - donating my milk to a nearby hospital for them to use on prem or ill babies, which I would also be delighted to do - hope it all works out.

Valentine xxx

That sounds great Valentine, I hope it works out for you! My stepsister recently had a prem baby at 25 weeks, who sadly died the next day. I know that they told her that her milk could be frozen for when the baby was well enough to be tube fed it, but obviously there are some mums who can't express if they're on certain medication for instance. For prems breastmilk is the best thing for them as I understand formula increases their risk of getting Necrotising Enterocolitis, which can kill them. Therefore by donating breastmilk you will be saving their lives, it's a fantastic contribution to make. Well done you :)

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