how much could you cope with?


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
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just found this - just to make something clear - I don't read the daily mail! I was just in Morrisons and I saw a headline about midwives being told to carry out breath tests to make sure pregnant ladies haven't been smoking - didn't see what paper it was, figured it was this one, and found this instead!

Not sure what I think about this, if it was me, I certainly wouldn't be speaking to a daily newspaper about it, any sympathy I may have had has gone now it's in the press I think. Anyhoo....
Honestly, when i was 6-7 weeks into my second pregnancy i was feeling DEAD. I couldn't walk, i was on my own with a 1 year old and it was dangerous for me to look after her because i physicaly couldn't do anything,i could just about crawl to the toilet and lay on the bathroom floor. My mum had to be with me (she was off sick, god knows what would've happened if she had to work) and after couple of months my hubby cut down work so he could be with me A LOT.
At my first midwife appt. i asked if they could give me something (not just for sickness, but extreme anemia as well) and if nothing then i would seriously consider termination as my child needs me and i literally couldn't live let alone anything else.
Luckily my whole pregnancy wasn't as bad and i was pregnant with twins so it made sense why all my symptomes were a lot more extreme then first time around, but i can sympathise with women who chose not to go on .. unless you go through it you cant imagine what it's like. It's not like you're tired or vomitting, it's like you can't do anything .. you want to but you cant.
I was sick throught my whole pregnancy, i had to have a blood transfusion, i had pre-eclampsia and my kedneys were failing .. when do you stop? when is it enough?
i'm glad it all turned out fine, and even tho i'd love to have twins again i know that body can't go through it anymore.
we want to have another child, and because i had a singleton pregnancy before it's doable for me, but i will have to take atleast 6 months of extreme amounts of iron,vitamins,minerals etc before i even consider getting pregnant
because this time, i wont have anyone else to help me.
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forgot to add: didn't answer the question you asked :)

when i saw those two little heartbeats i'd take anything, nothing mattered anymore and that gave me the strength to go on.
i coped because of them ..
I can't even imagine being that unwell during pregnancy!!
blimey that sounds horrible mamalove - I've got a lot of respect for women such as yourselves who can cope with something so extreme! You hit the nail on the head in your second post though, as soon as I saw that little heartbeat I knew I would do anything to keep it going!
it's so hard for some women, and not everyone understands.. my mum said she felt like she wasn't pregnant throught all her pregnancies but it's different for everyone.

looking back now, it's easy to forget and i know how lucky i was that i had two healthy babies who didn't need any special care but it was tough at times.

we, as mothers would do ANYTHING for our children, so when you already have a child you feel guilty for not being there 100% for them because you're so ill you feel like you don't exist ..

really hard decisions, but fingers crossed with better preparation things will be better next time :)

I totally feel for that woman!! During this pregnancy I was being sick up to 7 times a day and dreaded going to bed cos I knew I'd wake up in the morning and have to go through it all again the next day!! Some days I wished I didn't fall pregnant but knew I couldn't get rid of little man cos I've had an abortion afew years ago and it ripped me up inside! Also with having a m/c last year, I knew how much it hurts losing a baby!! Lacey had chicken pox while I was going through the bad stages of m/s and this sounds awful but I'd take one look at her and throw up!! Just the sight of the spots made me sick! I was lucky though cos my sil helped me look after lacey so I could sleep as much as poss but I'm still suffering m/s now, not as bad or often but I'm glad i didn't do anything drastic cos I love little man already even though he put me through hell!! Lol

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