Would we get hospitalized for sever morning sickness?

I think it's a fact, as above, that members of the royal family, celebs etc will probably get a better standard of care than the rest of us, mainly cos most of them go private. I'm not sure if Kate is in a private hospital tho.

The thing that always used to make me laugh about the royal family was when the queen mum was still with us and would be in the paper every week cos she'd had a fall and was in hospital. But she was in her 90's, how many other old dears had falls, spent all their time in hospital and didn't get on the front of the paper for it! Most people don't even live that long cos they don't have the privileged lifestyle she did!!
I no! everything that happenes to them they get published about. I dunno im just no a lover of them to be fair. That my opinion. x
Anyone would get seen quickly as she has with hyperemesis, a close friend of mine was hospitalised numerous times with it! Granted she'll have probably been admitted quicker cos she'll be private most likely, but the procedure is pretty standard! As others have said, it's not just being sick a few times, it's constant can't keep anything down! I do also know someone who has had multiple MC cos she was that ill with it she couldn't sustain nourishment for her and the baby :( so it's not just cos she's royalty that she's been admitted, it's a very serious condition'
Its not just morning sickness. People can die from it. Two of my friends were hospitalised with it so yes we would is the simple answer.

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
ok lets just forget this thread because its obviously upsetting people.
I hope she gets better soon, royal or not, severe morning sickness sounds horrible poor girl, especially she is about 9 - 10 weeks or something they wanted to wait to share the news and now the whole world knows, I hope she has a healthy pregnancy. If this was a royal in another country, you can bet they would be fussed over much more then this, and wouldn't be rushed to hospital, they would probably bring the hospital to them! Good on William for rushing her to hospital he did the right thing. Nothing wrong with getting quick and extra treatment she is carrying the future king or queen and that is a big deal!

I hope the paps don't hound them
It's not upsetting people we are just answering your question x
I went to the doctors about 5 times because i couldn't keep anything down i was sick all day and couldn't even brush my teeth without been sick. I lost over a stone in weight but they never said anything apart from 'its part of pregnancy' and it lasted until 24 week! Luckily touch wood i haven't had it with this one i have been sick but a couple times a day nothing near like i was before. I think its down to what doctor you see maybe if i had seen another one they would have taken me seriously x
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I think it's a fact, as above, that members of the royal family, celebs etc will probably get a better standard of care than the rest of us, mainly cos most of them go private. I'm not sure if Kate is in a private hospital tho.

The thing that always used to make me laugh about the royal family was when the queen mum was still with us and would be in the paper every week cos she'd had a fall and was in hospital. But she was in her 90's, how many other old dears had falls, spent all their time in hospital and didn't get on the front of the paper for it! Most people don't even live that long cos they don't have the privileged lifestyle she did!!

Unfortunately it comes with the territory when you are in the public eye. Its media. If they wrote about every elderly person that fell where would that get us?

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
Lol ash! That made me chuckle! Might get grilled for that tho lol! x
I don't think the QM having a priviledged lifestyle is why she lived so long! My grandpa was in his late 90s when he passed and his life certainly wasn't priviledged! Some people just live longer' I think it's pretty sad how everyone assumes royals get preferential treatment for everything when really, they don't, we just hear about more cos they're in the public eye!
ok lets just forget this thread because its obviously upsetting people.

Ita not upsetting anyone hun. I certainly am not. What is odd is to start a topic on an assumption without knowing truly what the illness is. Just because she is famous she shouldn't be hospitalised because that's what famous people expect? Afterall we all want what is best for any unborn child right? Famous parent or not. She is probably terrified the same as any woman carrying a child would be and i for one am glad she's in the best possible place. X

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
I only started the sthread coz on the news it just says svere sickness. I thought alot of morning sickness was severe. ild never heard of HG and i just wondered if we would get hospiltilzed with severe morning sickess. Not knowing it was HG. only because the news just said sever morning sckness
When I was in hospital for 4 weeks last pregnancy I used to always see women come and go with severe morning sickness!! It was very unpleasant lying in a bed next to someone who was heaving and throwing up constantly!! I'm so glad that in four pregnancys I havent experienced this!!
The media will have reported it as severe morning sickness because most people don't know what hyperemesis is! Well, that and that they're paid to create a stir ;)
Thats very true. Thats the only reason i posted coz severe sickess a lot of us get and just get prescribed things from doctors x
The media will have reported it as severe morning sickness because most people don't know what hyperemesis is! Well, that and that they're paid to create a stir ;)

There has probably also been an element of wanting to keep it quiet how ill she actually is.
I wouldn't wish it on anyone obviously but it's good that it's making people aware that not all ladies are being over dramatic about morning sickness! I didn't have hg but was sick a good few times a day and work were so shitty but it is exhausting not being able to keep food down! Xxx

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