worst weekend ever!!!!

Thinking of you xxx Hope it all goes well, please let us know!! Your in the right place xxxx
Oh my goodness you poor thing :( Hope everything goes ok with the head scan :hug:
:hug: sorry to hear youre not well hun :( hope you get the all clear monday and you can get home! x
I feel really good today, had my scan about 11am this morning and had the results by 12 which showed my head is looking fine :)

the Doctor said from what i went in with they think i had a virus which was made worse because of having a low immune system plus with being pregnant it goes lower aswell :eh:
Anyway.. all sorted now and so happy to be home :dance:
jason took me shopping this afternoon for some new maternity clothes then for a meal and to the pictures so feeling slightly spoilt :)

Thank you all for your comments!!! xxxxx
super pleased your all ok, very worrying for you both
Enjoy being spoilt X
ar thats brill news!!! hope u enjoyed ur shopping trip xx
glad you're back home and well! Must have been well scary, sounds like they took good care of you though! Take it easy and enjoy the spoiling lol :)
Thanks everyone!!! :)
Very good to be home just not looking forward to being back to normal tomorrow :lol: I got used to the bed rest :blush:
Thats brilliant news hun! What a way to come home as well! Good for you, you deserved being spoilt with what you went through xx

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