Help with some blood test results plzzzz.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
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Hey all.

Just wonderin if anyone can help me. I had glucose tolerance blood tests and blood tests to see if i am anemic on friday. Well i got a voice message left on my phone to call the hospital so i did and they have told me that my glucose levels are slightly raised which means there at 5.8 and that i am anemic because my iron levels are 10.? Somethin, i cant remember the exact figure. They said i have to go to hosp on 25th as thats the soonest appointment they have to see a Diabetic nurse, a obstretician (sp) and a dietician. They said if they can get me in sooner they will ring me.
The hospital also told me that i now have to have a consultant aswell as my midwife.

Can anyone tell me thier results and tell me what will happen now. Does anybody know what my levels should be?

Any help would be greartly appreciated.

Amy xx
I can't help Hun but hope it goes ok for you, have u rang ur midwife? Xx
Thanks for the replys. I havent contacted my midwife because the hospital told me they would fax sum stuff over to my gp. Xx
I have to go in for my test in november and i know they are using those and a scan to see the size of the baby to decide if i should be induced at 38 weeks, That may not be the case for you they may just want to monitor you more the best think to do is give your midwife a call and ask her to breifly explain- thats what she is there for she won't mind! xx
ok im not overly sure to be honest maybe the consultant will just keep a closer eye on your blood sugars and baby

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