works xmas do


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
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tonight, I feel like such a heffer :shock: and I don't like my hair so I'm off to sulk at sil's :rotfl:
:hug: Aww hun

You might feel better once you are out.
There is NO WAY I'm going to mine as I'm off sick - besides which, teacher discos are so awful!
I don't think my current work even has an xmas do! :shock:
My OH has his tonight so I can probably expect to wake up to a bed full of sick again! :roll:

In my old job the whole office used to go out for lunch then continue drinking throughout the day, it was great! (Wouldn't be able to do that this year anyway though!)

You should go out and if it's too bad you can always go home early. I must admit, I'm not sure I'd enjoy watching everyone getting drunk without me!
I'm not even working this year so i dont even get one!! :( have fun tho!! :D
muppetmummy said:
I don't think my current work even has an xmas do! :shock:
My OH has his tonight so I can probably expect to wake up to a bed full of sick again! :roll:

:shock: :puke:

Im sure once your out you will enjoy yourself, is always fun to watch everyone else make tits out of themselves as they get drunker!
ive got mine tuesday nite, a 3 course meal and abba cabaret at a hotel

im just goin 2 hav the meal and then go home, its no fun when every1 else is gettin drunk

i need 2 find summat 2 wear now :x
debecca said:
There is NO WAY I'm going to mine as I'm off sick - besides which, teacher discos are so awful!
And knowing teachers like I do, they'll all be drunk! :rotfl:
Ive got three in one week!!!! i've found something to wear at last and will be wearing it to all three, thankfully no-one the same will be at the others
I was 37 weeks at my xmas do last year..(I worked until 38 weeks) and it was ok to be honest!!! I thought it would be dreadful being sober but I had a lovely time and left early coz I was tired and it was my 60th so had another party to go to!!!!

This year I am looking forward to having a few drinkies (I still look like a heffer now and she is nearly 11 months :roll: )
im not allowed to mine :roll: cos its in conjunction with a meeting that doesnt concern me as ill be on mat leave when we do the stuff there talking to us about they wont let me go , fair enough , 250 miles is along way to go for a meal lol but it also means i wont ever see anyone i work with again as i only see them at meetings ( im field based u see) , woulda been nice to say goodbye to peeps ive worked with for 4 years :|
it went well, but i'm shattered this morning, people kept touching me :shakehead:
yeh our website xmas meal last week , my bump seem to become public property lol
Drunk people groping your bump! Just what you want when your trying to survive a works night out sober :lol:

My OH got back from his in one piece and without spilling any bodily fluids anywhere :lol: He's feeling ill today though, going to drag him out food shopping later, that will make him feel better :twisted:
I had mine on Friday night at a posh hotel in london. It was ok, but heels and sciatica dont go well together.
It would have been better if I could have had a few drinks, I felt a bit left out with all the other drunkards having a blast!
Oh well, not drinking is best for bubbs so I really dont mind!! :)
I went to a Christmas party night last night with all our friends. It wasn't the same without the 2 bottles of red wine and copious vodka shots :(

I spent most of the night thinking the music was too loud and clock watching! :roll:

My SIL kept rubbing in the fact that I couldn't drink, but she soon got bored when I told her I would rather have a baby than drink anyway.

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