Won't know if I'm still pregnant for 3+ weeks now....

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it was more localised before on the right side - hence first scan to check for eptopic - now it's spreading
What did they see on your scan? They say you get a pain in your shoulder if it is ectopic was it in the right place?
yeah they saw baby in the right place on both scans - they couldn't see my left ovary, the right ovary was fine, and didn't mention my tubes. Could I have and eptopic at the same time as a normal pregnancy that they have missed??
OH now agree's we should get a second opinion- I'm glad he see's the same as me now - I think he was a bit apprehensive at first - I don't think I could go through 3 and a half weeks waiting to know though and enither can he.
I'm just worried that you have an ectopic aswel because it could explain the pain. Please push and push to be scanned again and let me know how it goes.

Good luck
Okie I will babe - I'm still waiting for call back form midwife.

Don't know who else could get me referred to hospital? Not this late anyways. A hospital other than Milton Keynes that is.
Re ectopic - symptoms include pains in TIPS of shoulders, very bad pain on one side of abdomen and normally brown spotting.
I think if you have any bleeding you should get to the hospital. Go to A&E and you shouldn't need a referral at all. If you go to a different hospital and they ask why you didn't go to MK just say you were nearer to them and your symptoms had worsened.
I REALLY recommend going back tonight and getting this sorted out once and for all so you know where you stand.
Thinking of you. Lucyx
me and OH have agreed to go to Bedford Hopital (the one I am having baby at) tonight to A&E and get seen there. Hopefully will get something done then! getting pain everywhere again now but esp the right side up to shoulder and to my foot.

Do you think it's really possible to be pregnant in tubes and womb? can they save the other baby if it is??
ok people not sure if im gonna get stoned to death here lol but i work in an A&E department sami hun is there not a birth centre that u can go to if u have problems we have one here and if ur worried at anytime day and night u phone them and they do all scans trans vaginal the lot!
i mean i know A&E departments aint good places i mean if it was then we would have a good reputation and then where would we be lol it would change history lol :P if my staff behaved like that i would have something to say to them and hand them there p45!!! but serious the main thing thing is to keep calm i know its not help ful but if something is wrong stressing isnt gonna help......
the only way u are gonna get anything done is pester them trust me i know when someone is pestering me i will do anything to shut them up by the end of my shift lol honest though keep on at them its a must!!!! after all NHS is fre and ur entiltled to as much as u want !!!
good luck keep us posted ok
So if i demand it they should do it? It's not that I want to be a pain or make a fuss it's just that the hospital I was in before are f-ing useless. I hope the hospital tonight will help me better - just waiting for OH to get back so he can drive me there.
Had a big leak of fluid so told him to get home ASAP - hope he does ....
Sami, please let me know what happens as soon as you can. Am thinking and worrying about you.
If you saw your baby in the right place on the ultrasound then my doctor said that there is a one in 50,000 chance of there also being an ectopic. i.e. it's EXTREMELY rare.
They couldn't see my left ovary on the ultrasound either but they said that could be down to gas ( :oops: ) which can obscure the ovary so I wouldn't worry about that.
Really sounds like you need to be seen. Apart from anything else, I know what this situation does to your head. It makes you go MAD with worry.
Good news you are going to Bedford and I'm sure they will sort you out tonight and look after you.
Wishing you loads and loads of luck and love.
Really hope everything turns out OK for you.
Waiting to see how you are getting on. I have been worried about you too.

Keep talking about you to the DH and my mum.

Let us know when you know any more

Take Care

Hi Sarah - I have put up a new thread - forgot I should sort of post it here, but it's up there in preg symptoms. - if that's what you'd call it - not that good news :cry:

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