Really fed up today, my GP tested for evrything under the sun last week except for the things i thought i needed testing for (oestrogen, progestoen and testosterone) I even phoned him befor i went for the bloods to make sure that they shouldnt be on the list! So last night i got tol;d it was all ok and that he was confident i dont have PCOS...............he wanted to speak to a gynea doctor today and ring me back as he wasnt sure what the next move should be. He rang today and said that I need the above mentioned tested and when i went to pick up the blood form it says the reason is suspected PCOS! Im really annoyed as i had a scan 2 years ago that showed cysts on my ovarys but i was told that they wernt consistant with PCOS, i was never given hormone tests, iv just had to deal with my horrendous exess body hair and weight difficultys for what seems like years! Even when i was admitted to hospital for a week and given 3 transfusions cos id been bleeding for 6 weeks i still wasnt taken seriousley. He did say that the next step was a gynea referal, all they did last time was give me the mirena which i obviousley dont want again as we want a bambino!
So long story short im no further forward still with no signs of af! anybody got any experiences with PCOS? it would seem the odds arnt stacked in my favour what with all the symptoms
So long story short im no further forward still with no signs of af! anybody got any experiences with PCOS? it would seem the odds arnt stacked in my favour what with all the symptoms

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