Blood results ok but gotta go for more tomorow :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2011
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Really fed up today, my GP tested for evrything under the sun last week except for the things i thought i needed testing for (oestrogen, progestoen and testosterone) I even phoned him befor i went for the bloods to make sure that they shouldnt be on the list! So last night i got tol;d it was all ok and that he was confident i dont have PCOS...............he wanted to speak to a gynea doctor today and ring me back as he wasnt sure what the next move should be. He rang today and said that I need the above mentioned tested and when i went to pick up the blood form it says the reason is suspected PCOS! Im really annoyed as i had a scan 2 years ago that showed cysts on my ovarys but i was told that they wernt consistant with PCOS, i was never given hormone tests, iv just had to deal with my horrendous exess body hair and weight difficultys for what seems like years! Even when i was admitted to hospital for a week and given 3 transfusions cos id been bleeding for 6 weeks i still wasnt taken seriousley. He did say that the next step was a gynea referal, all they did last time was give me the mirena which i obviousley dont want again as we want a bambino!

So long story short im no further forward still with no signs of af! anybody got any experiences with PCOS? it would seem the odds arnt stacked in my favour what with all the symptoms :(
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carr - how frustrating for you! sorry i dont haev any knowledge re pcos. try putting a post in LTTTC or searching through the posts in LTTTC as a few of the ladies in there have pcos. good luck.
i agree with itsbabytime hun u may want to do another post in LTTC as theyl prob have a better idea than us about it.
Really sorry to hear that dr is messing u about a bit, but at least the right bloods are being done now so thats a good thng xxx
Hi Hon

I would post in LTTC as there are few girls there with PCOS. If you have the symptoms and you had a scan a few years ago then perhaps it is that. You will need the 21 days bloods though to confirm and perhaps a anothe scan done. Also if you are not getting the answers you need have you thought about some private tests? A blood test to check AMH level can also tell you whether or not you have PCOS. Try and see if your doctor will add that text to the list if you are getting bloods done anyway. I am not an expert though on PCOS so post in LTTC.

Good luck hon i am sorry this is so frustrating for you.

Love Gizzy xxxx
hi girls yes i do have pretty much all of the symptoms (just back from my wax actualy lol) going private for tests isnt an option, i read a post where the amh blood test was mentioned so i will do some research on it and mention it to my gp when i see him for the dreaded results next week. In regards to the 21 day bloods i had the LH and FSH tested for last week and they were normal apparantly, but i fail to see how the result could be any good as i was on day 78 post mirena removal in which time iv had no period so dont know where i actualy am in a cycle! so ill have to mention that to gp next week and say id like them repeating when im actualy in a new cycle and have ovulated, is it just 7days after ovulation? thanks girls xxx

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