Wonder what is going on in there???


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2015
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Hi ladies
I'm struggling with worries at the moment...probably like most of us are really...but I keep worrying and trying not to convince myself that something bad has happened to baby! I thought I have been feeling baby move for a few weeks but the last week or so I haven't felt anything really but then I tell myself it's early yet and I'm not as thin as I was so there is more cushioning for baby! I am seeing my midwife tomorrow for my 16 week check up and will hopefully get to listen to the heartbeat but I keep thinking "what if there isn't one" what do I do then..have I been been doing too much...have I eaten too much junk food..I was painting the baby's room last night but it's only small and I don't feel like I over did it! I want to enjoy my pregnancy but part of me just wants it over with so I can stop worrying :( xx
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Awk im sorry to hear this but you really arent alone. Unfortunately early days we really dont know what's going on. I seem to get quiet days with no kicks and just need to keep telling myself that i probably cant feel every kick, still early. Some people recommend getting a doppler so you can hear babies heartbeat to reassure yourself if your anxious. Personal preference though, i dont want to get one because it can be hard to find heartbeat and i think that would panic me more. Just try and relax and assume alls okay so you can enjoy the time you do have pregnant. (definitely easier said than done!) do you follow babies progress week by week? I find that helped me, i like to imagine whats going on so i can picture it and it reassures me a little. Hope youre okay, tomorrow will fly in just take each day as it comes :)
Hi hun. I'm still like that now and I'm over 26 weeks. I have an anterior placenta ehich apparently cushions the kicks. Do you know where your placenta is??
Where I live they don't check up on movement until 28 weeks+.
It is hard to relax but chances are all is well. There's plenty of room in there for baby to move. Tell your MW and I'm sure they will help with what to look out for and when.
I only felt kicks from 14w because its my second so my uterus had already started moving up. Prior to that it had been wee flutters/bubbles and theyr not really consistent.

As above, you only really "count the kicks" as such in the later stages.

My first I didnt get regular proper kicks until week 17/18.

I had a scan every 4w in the early stages between the extra early and gender one, so thankfully I was reassured in between. Some MW might listen to HB at 16w. Mine has.

Hi ladies
Thanks for your replies and advice. This is my 2nd pregnancy so I have been feeling wiggly movements but it's been 7 years since I was pregnant with my daughter so it all feels like the first time again. I have felt a few weeks movements this afternoon which has put my mind at rest a bit :)

I'm 19.5 weeks with twins (3rd pregnancy) and I was convinced I'd feel kicks early. I only felt my first proper kick this morning, started to feel occasional flutters/movement around 16.5 - but nothing really obvious at all.
I am sooooo glad you posted this I am stressing myself out

I have an anterior placenta at the moment so its in front of bean so they said I wouldn't feel anything I get twinges but everyone said it was gas I'm so worried that all I feel is fat and jetlagged :-( I'm only 14 weeks xx
I've paid a fortune in private scans due to my paranoia about this pregnancy I'm always trying to prepare myself for the worst case scenario I had a gender scan about a week and a half ago and I have my 20 week scan next week and I'm still concerned there's going to be a problem even though I can feel her moving now and the girl doing the scan had said all looked as good as can be its still worrying, you are certainly not alone in your thoughts I'm definitely more concerned this pregnancy than I was with my son but I've lost for babies since him so I think that's why I was afraid to get attached but once I found out I was having a little girl I've felt I can bond now so it has helped a little

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