wish me luck!

OMG!!! Haven't been on for a few days, poor Hev! I'm glad you are in the right place and being monitered constantly. I thought I was the biggest queue jumper and now you've guzumped me :rotfl:

Little Maddie might be with us sooner than we would have thought but at least she'll be safe and sound and I think Hev has been ready for ages judging by all the shopping she does :lol:
Hope things are ok at hozzie Ricky? How is she bearing up???

If you need washing machine instructions, we csn help you there :rotfl:

Tell her Jaidybaby sends her love, I text her today as I know she hasnt got access to PC at the mo, and she asked me to send her love xxxx
Thinking of you hun, I hope your OH is smuggling you proper food in :lol:
hevs good, she's all on her own in the ward today and getting really bored

blod pressures down a little, proteins gone down to +3, she saw a doc last night and it sounds like madi's still gonna come early because the proteins still to high, might even be this weekend coming :shock:

she sends her love to ya all :hug:
Hope she's alright mate. :hug:

Good job she's had steroids, they sted baby in great chances for beign fine at birth.
I had my son at 34 weeks (spontanious labour though, not pre-eclampsia) and they are very well formed and don't have many problems, if any.

Have they prepared you for if babe is delivered, like visiting SCBU or anything? They don't always need to go there, especially if they have had steroids, but it can be helpful. I didn't go down there, even though I spent 7 weeks in and out of hospital before he came, but I think it owuld of helped prepare me.

Wishing her the absolute best of luck. I know she is probably fed up already being in there, and you're very lonely at home (my poor OH was so I can sympathise, as can he), but it honesty is the best place for her ad the baby.

Thanks for letting us know and updating, and please continue to do so. If you wanna know anymore on prem babies and what you might expect (other than the most teeny beautiful little baby you have ever seen!) give me a shout. I'm happy to give some advice or answer questions that midwives or doctors might not have answered for you xxx
Wow, you might have a LO by the weekend!! :shock:
At least Hev is in the safest place, she must be bored stupid, I had a one night stay last year and hated it, didnt sleep a wink and missed OH loads so I know how you guys are feeling..

Lots of love and best wishes to you all xx
we was going to look around the scbu today but they had a load of emergencies all in one go so we couldnt get a look today, we gotta check again tomorrow
The intensive care bit can be a little scary, all the blue ligted cots, the tubes and stuff, but there are good chaces of baby not being in there, and more likely in the less dependacy bit. She may have a tube to be fed as Damien did, but saying that he was born fine, and only needed it because he had reflux.
Like I say though, any advice you need, gimme a shout xxx
Hope she's ok. Thinking of you both.

I had my son at 35 weeks (spontanious) and he was fine except for he had a little trouble feeding.

Baby should be ok expecially(sp?) since she's had steroids :)
got our scan today, cant wait, will be nice to see how big madi looks now, not sure what time it is, hevs gotta phone me, midwifes kept saying they were gonna find out for us but they never did :roll:

Only just caught up with this thread myself as been busy this weekend but Zoe C did tell me what was going on!!

OMG, send loadsa love, hugs and kisses to Hev, I hate hospitals, I think she is being so brave!!!!!!!

Good luck for the scan this morning, we will be waiting to hear the outcome.
I've only just caught up as well. Been offline all weekend, and what happens? :shock:

Ricki - you've been great with updating us all, thanks loads. You can always go shopping for new socks if you run out, I'm sure Hev's taught you that bit well! :lol:

Send her my love, and wish her all the best. I was only in hospital for 2 days after my c section and that was boring enough, so I can only begin to imagine the boredom that Hev is facing. Take her a couple of good books in, it'll give her a break from crappy daytime tv! She and Madi are in the best place, and like the others have said, 34 weeks is not far off fullterm and she has had the steroids, so everything should be fine when she decides to make an entrance. :hug:
so sorry i haven't been on here at the weekend i send my love to hev madi and you ricky hope all is going to be ok at least they are keeping a close eye on her.

thank you ricky for keeping us updated you are doing a great job :clap: she should be very proud of you :cheer:

am thinking of you all, take care :hug:
really p'd off at the mo, the scan was sposed to be sometime this afternoon, hev told me to go to collage and she'd ring me when she finds out the time but the docs ended up changing it all and booked it for 10.30, they only told her at 10.15 so there was no way i could make it that quick even the way i drive lol so i missed the scan :evil: :evil: :evil:

anyways madi's ok, she only weighs roughly 4 pounds at the mo so is smaller then we'd like and she's turned back to breach too, i'm not sure about anything else, i only spoke to hev quick on the phone, i'll find out the rest laters, i'm going up there soon
Gits :evil: Sorry you missed it mate, that's pretty rubbish.
Give my love to Hev when you see her x
What twats, no wonder you're pissed off.

Tell Hev i'm thinking of her and Madi xx
4lbs aint that small for how far she is so dont worry, pretty crap u cudnt be there though. :hug:
yeah i agree with jade, 4lbs is a good weight for her gestation

hope you are both ok, tell hev ill give her a text later see how shes' doing xx

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