wish me luck!

Just read this Hev. I am so glad she has turned but I hope you are ok hun. Let as know as soon as you can how you are getting on :hug:
Thinking of you hun, glad to hear she's turned but gutted to hear about the protein. Good thing is they are taking good care of you. Lets us know whats happening asap wont you. Sending loads of good vibes and hugs your way :hug: :hug: :hug:
Take care hun,you will be fine,will be thinking of you :hug: xx
hey hun hope after you've been to the hospital for your protein check that all is well? Good news hearing that baba has turned!!! :dance:
Hiya, its ricky, hevs other half, just got back, she wanted me to say she's ok but might have to stay in hospital until monday or longer :shock: :cry:

madi's fine, they had her monitered for a while but shes perfect :D

proteins really high, its on the highest level on the stick but she has to be tested everytime she goes to the loo for 24 hours so they can work out if its going up or down, i think she's a little p'd at that concidering she goes about a 1000 times a day :wink:

They said she has something but i cant remember the name of it, pre something, its what the protein tests are for, preacancia???????? (might of just made that up lol but its something like that)
Their testing to find out how bad it is, if its mild it'll be ok, if its high hev will have to give birth early :shock:
hope she is OK ricky. Send her our love :hug:

Did you mean pre-eclampsia(sp?)
jennywren said:
hope she is OK ricky. Send her our love :hug:

Did you mean pre-eclampsia(sp?)

yeah, thats it, i knew it was something like that :wink:
just off to the hospital, i'll let ya know how she is when i get back laters

Hiya, ricky again, just got back from the hospital, hevs good, madi's fine, hevs having more tests done

she might be giving birth early, the doc said today it could be any day from tomoz :shock: :shock: :shock: but they want to go as long as possible but depends how the tests go over the next few days, hev had a steroid injection just incase madi does come sooner. depending on the tests hev might have to stay in hosptial until madi's born :shock: :shock: :shock: (hope not, i'm useless on my own, whos gonna find my socks if she aint here :wink: )

blood presure's still really high and the proteins +4 atleast

the docs and midwife cant decide if madi's turned, ours says she has, but all the different docs and midwifes we'v seen keep saying different directions so hev has to have a scan monday morning

i'm off back to the hospital again in a little while, let ya know how she is, oh and she sadi to say hi :wave:

Hope your OK hev, can't believe this is happening, it's all happened so fast! :hug: :hug: :hug: Good luck!!!
Bless her,i know we said we would have a race hev but come on now :lol: ,take care though hun,thinking of you and madi :hug: xx
Thanks for letting us know what is happening.

Gee it is all happening quickly.

Hope she is ok, sending her :hug:
OMG!!! i just caught up with this thread.
Bless her is she ok does anyone know!!???? :(

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