Wipes or cotton wool and water?


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2010
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At the hospital, they had me using cotton wool and warm water (sometimes with olive oil in it). This is great, but sometimes a real faff, which stresses Eliot out (I have no problem with the faff in terms of me, but in terms of stressing out Eliot!) and leads to longer changing times with him getting all cold and annoyed. I used a Huggies wipe yesterday and for some reason felt very guilty... Are they OK? Anyone else using them now instead of water? It just got the job done in a third of the time and Eliot was unfazed and happy!!

When will I stop feeling guilty!!
I used wipes from the instant B was born, so much easier like you say.

Don't feel guilty Hun, they're baby wipes designed especially for him. You're doing fab xxx
I just use wipes when we're out as I'd rather keep using plain water for now as me, hubby and daughter all have sensitive skin, my daughter is still allergic to all wipes at 14! If Eliots fine and happy I wouldn't worry, lots of people just use wipes all the time, and cotton wool is more of a faff, gets stuck on them too!
Thanks ladies :hugs:
I am posting a million and one Qs on here - I feel like i know nothing...
Thank God for all your support xx

Cotton wool def gets stuck! So many times have I almost pinched his little bits and bobs trying to get the fluff away - no man needs that sh1t haha!

I used wipes straight away. The only time I use water and cotton wool is when I top and tail him every night.
Cotton wool and poo's don't work well together! Lol
I've used wipes since she was born Hun, ask as many questions as you like that's what were here for! x
Wipes all the way hun!Ive used cotton woll in dire emergancies when ive forgotten to pack wipes xxx

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i agree wipes are much easier and more convinient. Didnt do my 2 any harm xx
I started using wipes straight away but found Sohpia was getting a sore bum with the Huggies Pure wipes. I bought tonnes of packs too! I'm using just water and cotton pleat at the moment and it's worked just fine. Her bum looks so much better for it. Hoping we can move back to the wipes soon and I'll be using them when we are out and about.

I actually think she got sore as I wasn't able to change her straight after my c section so had to rely on other people and they don't take as much care as I would! I think that's why she became sore. I think that they Huggies wipes are quite wet so you have to make sure their bum is thoroughly dry before putting nappy on xxx
I think I used cotton wool maybe the first two times, then thought 'sod this!' and tried her with a wipe. She's been absolutely fine, never had any nappy rash and even the doctor commented on how good her skin is :) Go ahead and use wipes hun. x
I think that they Huggies wipes are quite wet so you have to make sure their bum is thoroughly dry before putting nappy on xxx

I worry about that bit! Using a muslin to sort that out - although the washing pile is now teetering hehe!
we used wipes from a week old and had a bum muslin we'd use for a day each time, the bum mussy didnt get dirty anyway just got the dampness from the wipes away x
I used water at home but wipes when out and about and now just wipes. You can use kitchen towel to pat them dry. A never had a rash
I only used wipes since Owen cane home I never use cotton wall and water x

Wipes all the way for my wee one too. Much easier, I started only using pampers sensitive wipes and now use them and johnston baby wipes and have occasionally used huggies. Had no problems, no rashes. Get her all cleaned up and then wait a wee bit, starting to give her nappy free time too :). Then nappy on and normally bottle follows - her fav part :) x
I use these things called cheeky wipes at home. Basically you have two boxes, one with clean squares of flannel in that you cover with water and leave on the changing table. You wipe the bottom and plonk the dirty flannel in tenother box. They are great - google them. However web I'm out or visiting parents/friends, I use wipes. xx
I used cotton wool and water for ages, think about the first 8 weeks? I bought proper cotton wool pads that don't fall apart on LO, but it did get expensive!
Lou had awful flaky/sore skin in her creases and wipes made it flare up horribly red, otherwise I probably would've used wipes sooner.
omg im so glad you posted this! when j was younger (as in just born) they made us use cotton wool in hospital and my god it was one of the worst experiences in the world. i hated using it. It sticks everywhere and you always need clean water and the distress it causes bubba when you try and sort things out. Tbh wipes are the way forward (well for me and us anyway) you can just use them and be done. no hassle and i wouldnt give them up for the world!!

Dont feel guilty there is nothing wrong with using wipes at all!!!!!!!!!they are wonderfully designed for babies skin and tbh it makes your life so much bloody easier and given the fact you've gotten a new baby i think you need to do whatevers easiest at least at first and do anything to keep you calm, destressed and most imoprtantly HAPPY!

I use wet cotton pleat and always have a towel handy to towel dry her bum and viola no cotton bits sticking to their bits! Not had a problem with that luckily, cotton pleat is much better than the balls. All I have to get ready is some warm water in a top and tail bowl. Use this at home but always use wipes when out and about :)

I just always go for the non scented sensitive skin wipes, the supermarket own brand ones are fab - always used these with Grace and you can often pick then up on special offers if you buy in bulk x

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