Will You/Would You Vaccinate your Daughter(s)?

*Rainbow* said:
Im crapping myself now, as ive had a bit of a promiscuous (sp) past.. will they do one after i give birth or not?

I was given one at my 6 week check with my first 2! Not after I had Lucy or Lola-Mae though!?? Though I did have one a few months after Lucy and only had one a few months before I got pregnant with Lola!!
yep i would. altho i do think year 8 is too late. lots of girls in my school had already had sex when they were in year 8! i'd just started year 10 when i first did it and i was ashamed at how LATE i'd left it!

i wish we could immunise against STIs as well coz i was very promiscuous before i got with DF and i thought pregnancy was the only thing to worry about so i never used condoms. i learned a very hard lesson when i passed on an STI to my daughter :(
*Rainbow* said:
I know nothing about smear tests.. :S..
Surely if you ask for one.. you should be givn one.. Especially as people have had abnormal results under the age of 25..
Im crapping myself now, as ive had a bit of a promiscuous (sp) past.. will they do one after i give birth or not?
im going through a paranoid stage atm and im convinced im going to get some horrible random illness and die or something.. :oops:

x x

Yeah it's wrong if you ask for something to be refused :shakehead:
I'm only 22 but I got a smear done (had to ask for it!) during late pregnancy just to check because I was itching all over my body and had quite a bit of discharge (but to be honest I always have :oops: ). I was in anyway due to the baby going lazy for a few days so I had monitoring.
They should run several tests when they do your bloods at your booking in session in early preganacy :) Don't know if you've ever had that?

Be positive :hug: I've had a few partners..and although I wasn't promiscious at least one of them was while I was dating him! :shock: but I'm clear of anything nasty :)

oh and re: the organs thing (someone else was asking :) )...I didn't want to drag the thread off topic I just wanted to try and give a fuller view of my opinions in case it made more sense :wink: .
In that instance though (that he's too young to understand death and implications of actions etc) I would get his dad to choose. I just wouldn't be able to bring myself to making the decision for him :shock: His dad is more 50%/50% about that sort of thing and to be honest I think he probably would accept it. I guess I'd probably be secretly happy because obviously I'd never want to cause any of my children harm...but since it's something I wouldn't accept myself, I wouldn't want to force it on them :?
I've read some amazing articles of children with terminal illnesses and injuries being able to make their own decisions about their future.
Without a doubt! I would tell her what the jag was for as well.
would people really not tell their 12 year old what the jab was for :shock:
I voted don't know, simply because i need to read more about it, but probably yes.

I wont put my baby through any pain i dont feel is necessary, this is why she had the oral vitamin K not injection. I feel immunizations are necessary, so she has had all of them so far and will more then likely continue to have them all.

As for smears, i keep thinking i should have one but i haven't asked and maybe i shouldn't bother as i'm only 20.

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