If you could see someone for 1 day

mine at this moment would be my OH's nan. she did when alice was 10 days old, so it is still quite upsetting.

she never got a cuddle :cry:
I'd love to see all my grandparents / great grandparents, but if I could chose just one, it would be Stuarts grandmother. She died shortly before we got together and he's always telling me how much I'm like her, and how well we'd get on.
what a sad thread :(

i would like to meet william the conquerer and see what he was really like
how sad all your mums have passed away

Mine would most likely be my mums substitute mum, she was more of a mother to her than anyone i know
thats a random one budge :D sorry it wasnt meant to be a sad thread, i thought more ppl would name famous ppl to be honest, i hope i havnt offended anyone with this thread, if i have i will get urchin to lock it :(
id have my great nana back and show her Braydon who she would totally adore
there are so many people i would love to see george clooney for one definetely. :wink:

but mainly i would love to meet my angel carrie-ann but it wont happen so il stick with george clooney yum!! :hug: :hug:
mmmmmmmm yummy George Clooney, he can sleep in my bad any day, ill wrestle ya for him :wink:
littlelady87 said:
thats a random one budge :D sorry it wasnt meant to be a sad thread, i thought more ppl would name famous ppl to be honest, i hope i havnt offended anyone with this thread, if i have i will get urchin to lock it :(

I dont think you've offended anyone hunni, im sure if you had someone would have said by now & we all know it wasn't intended to upset anybody.

There isnt really anyone in particular that i would like to meet :(
Ok as long as no ones upset, i wouldnt want to do that, im still going with ewan mc greggor, and i wud like to meet Budge the smurf!!! :rotfl:
If anyone it would be my mum, she died 14 years ago and she could meet my DF and my twins,they know sooo much about her,just have never met her.
I believe she's met them, they have just never been aware that she's around.

If I could choose someone famous I think I would choose to go for dinner with Peter Kay to make me laugh and laugh and laugh till I cried! :D
I believe she's met them, they have just never been aware that she's around
i believe that my nan is always around looking over us :)
Come here tracey i wana wisper sumat to you.............

mine mine mine mine mine :rotfl:
littlelady87 said:
mmmmmmmm yummy George Clooney, he can sleep in my bad any day, ill wrestle ya for him :wink:

yeah right mel, as if come on then il take you up onyour offer and fight for him but i can tell you i will win anyday :shakehead: :shakehead:
You can have him after 11 coz im meeting ewan mcgreggor at 11.30 :wink:
littlelady87 said:
You can have him after 11 coz im meeting ewan mcgreggor at 11.30 :wink:

um NO :shakehead: sorry you are not having him ever he is mine mine all mine haaaaaaaaaaa

you can keep ewan mcgreggor though :D
ok then deal, nowt better than a scottishman with a light saber
good i won then because you gave in

(dances around say he is all mine)

love you hun :hug: :hug:
you may have won this time but we shall meet again lady
sorry to get on the sad theme but id like to meet,

mine and Ians B, just to tell him/her that they not alone, that they will never be forgotten, and that they will always be loved, that just because i cant always cuddle them that they never leave my heart, and daddies too!

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