will gp prescribe northisterone


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2011
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Just wondered whether gp is likely to prescribe me something to induce a bleed as I havent had a period since having implant removed 4months ago.
As far as I understand northisterone will delay your period NOT hurry it along? :shock:

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Yeah you take it to delay while it builds up your lining and then when you stop taking it, it induces the bleed Carnat :)

I think that the GP prescribing it will depend on how long is normal to wait for a bleed after being on the implant, which i don't know.
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have you tried agnus castus? this is what got me back into a regular cycle.
my doctor was the one who suggested it to me a few years ago as I have many drug allergies so try to treat everything as naturally as possible, im very lucky to have a doctor who has taken courses in herbal medicine so can help me avoid as many chemicals as possible! xx
Yep started ac.3 weeks ago along with epo so will wait slightly longer then will go back. I know it can take up to a yr for it to return but I am getting impatient as worried I have pcos as periods irregular before and fsh to lh ratio 2:1 but they said bloods were normal. Worried though as lh and fsh done on random cycle day as periods were irregular so not sure how they can say its normal. Fsh was 7.4 and lh was 17.8 . I don't want to wait a year to find I have a problem if that makes sense?
Yep started ac.3 weeks ago along with epo so will wait slightly longer then will go back. I know it can take up to a yr for it to return but I am getting impatient as worried I have pcos as periods irregular before and fsh to lh ratio 2:1 but they said bloods were normal. Worried though as lh and fsh done on random cycle day as periods were irregular so not sure how they can say its normal. Fsh was 7.4 and lh was 17.8 . I don't want to wait a year to find I have a problem if that makes sense?

ohh i can deffinately relate to you! im in a similar situation after having mirena out back in october, my bloods were deemed normal, i also had a FSH:LH ratio of 2:1 and was also told it was fine even though like yours, it was done on a randon cycle day (70odd!) iv had btown mucus twice during my 90 odd days and they were 32 days apart so im just going to assume my last episode was an af as it was tinged with pink/red at times...................while i wait my gynea appointment! i was told that i couldnt try pregesterone to induce a bleed, im not sure why though. im on ac too but not sure if thats whats gave me the light bleeds or not, heres hoping we both het a proper af soon! keep us updated with what happens if you see your gp xxxx
I can understand your impatience but it seems to be hard enough to be prescribed things like norethisterone when someone has abnormal cycles when i think they might regard you as being normal if it can take a year after being on the implant.

No harm in asking though :)
I was given it as I hadn't had a period for 4 months since my mc, the gp hoped it wud kick start my cycles again (it didn't). So your gp may give you it as its not healthy or good for your body to not have a bleed for so long, it can cause complications. So even tho I knew it wasn't my period I felt better in my head for having a bleed.

I eventually got my own period 6 months after mc, then started taking AC 2mobths after that as af never arrived again.
Thanks for all input! Carr87 sounds very similar. Had implant out September and had one spot of brown mucous about a week after. Then had r days brown spotting on cd70 which I counted as at as so desperate to start at cd1 again currently on cd 50 took ac on cd 33 as didn't want to hit cd 70 again but so far nothing. Had ewcm last week and pains this week so hoping for af to show but not holding breath. I never thought I would be so keen to get af but right now I would take it if only to start having normal cycles! Am 4stone over weight but lost half a stone will lose a stone then back to gp as that'll be 6 months plus weight loss surely they will have to take me seriously then!
I came off the depo injection in sept. Started taking ac this month after having no signs of anything happening. I'm not even going to bother going the doctors yet as I know they will only send me away as af can take up to 18 months to come back normally after depo.
Good luck hun.
My GP gave me something 3 years ago, I don't have the name handy but done the same as the other girls said, I always had regular cycle but after the coil was removed it messed me up that was the only reason he gave me something and the fact I'd started fertility treatment I need to get things moving. He wasn't to keen on handing it out, took a lot of begging on my part, don't know why he was not happy giving me something but he did. Good luck I hope you get sorted.
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Update! Cd 58 and red spotting today so hoping this is af! Strangely though stopped ac a week ago?

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