
Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2006
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Hi ladies,
i want to have a moan if thats ok!! :(
I feel so poorly all the time ive always got a cold and cough! last night i didnt stop being :puke: again!! i cant keep no food down!
i keep getting really unbearble head ackes!
i have just had enough! :cry: :cry: :cry:
anyone else going through the same??
Gosh what is it that makes you sick then when you have a cold??

Like you said hun, you always seem to be poorly cant be much fun especially as being pregnant alone is no bundle of laughs!

Perhaps you might be a little run down, are you taking vitamins?
i got my self some pregnacare last week seems to be doing nothing!!
midwife says my iron levels are low too!!
i do feel down the most littlest things make me cry!! :cry:
You might feel like its doing nothing but I can assure you it is.

Sometimes I feel my sanatogen vitamins dont really do alot but they are taken and designed to ensure that we are getting everything we need! Good for me considering I cant eat proper meals any more and I just seem to snack on rubbish :oops:

Give it chance for the vits to kick in! If your still poorly in a few days id go see your GP he might be able to give you something to pep you up a bit :hug:
As jaidy has said sometimes Vitamins take time to rach an adequate level in our bodies... give it some time but make sure you have plenty of food to try in the house... things that you fancy!

Even managing to eat something small and unhealthy is better than eating nothing at all!

I am sorry you are feeling so crap at the min but not long to go now.......
I think the pregnacare are brilliant, Without them I wouldnt go loo regulary :oops: whenever ive missed one ive been constipated, but if I take them every evening im fine.

Has your midwife precribed some iron tablets for you? could be the main reason your feeling so crap hunny.
I think the pregnacare are brilliant, Without them I wouldnt go loo regulary :oops: whenever ive missed one ive been constipated, but if I take them every evening im fine.

Has your midwife precribed some iron tablets for you? could be the main reason your feeling so crap hunny.
Sorry you are feeling rough.

I was taking pregnacare at the beginning, but my midwife said that it could be making me feel sick as it does affect some people in that way. I stopped taking it and I didn't feel sick anymore. May have been a coincidence though as I was around 10 weeks???

Might be worth trying a different supplement? :think:

I take the Lamberts Surestart Mum which are pretty good.
I think the pregnacare are brilliant, Without them I wouldnt go loo regulary :oops: whenever ive missed one ive been constipated, but if I take them every evening im fine.

Has your midwife precribed some iron tablets for you? could be the main reason your feeling so crap hunny.
No she didnt give me any iron tablets she told me to buy the pregnacare instead and when i see her next week she will check my iron again and if it hasnt got higher she will give me iron tablets then!
sorry you feeling crap i can sympathise as i am having a bad few days i really hope you feel better soon. :hug: :hug:

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