Fed up now :'( *big whinge alert*

Tilly, Have you spoke to your midwife about being induced at 37 weeks? If your in alot of pain then that may be an idea for you?
know how you feel :hug:
Hang in there, it will be all so worth it in the end (well at least thats what I keep telling myself) :rotfl:
xkikix said:
Tilly, Have you spoke to your midwife about being induced at 37 weeks? If your in alot of pain then that may be an idea for you?

No hun, I didnt really want to be induced. I was going for as natural as poss :lol: Id like to have him in the birthing centre and I cant be induced there. Ask me again in 3 weeks though and we'll see :wink: LOL I suppose though every day is a step closer to him and Ive done 33 weeks of it and 7 doesnt seem that much longer. Funny how the days seem to last forever when it gets to this stage though :roll:
I totally sympathise, you are really big hun. I was never that big :shock: And you aren't fat either, you can see its all baby in that bump :lol: Have some choccy if it will lift your spirits.

Hang on in there :hug:
Awwww :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

My hubby asked me the other day, if I had to give up chocolate or fruit for the rest of my life, which one would I choose.

I said fruit :lol: He boggled and I said 'I'm a woman and a life without chocolate is not happening so fruit would have to go' :lol:

You are pregnant Ms Tilly not fat, so a bar of choccy if you want one isn't going to hurt :hug:

I wish I could offer a solution to the SPD and your other niggles but alas I don't really have any. Are you sleeping upright now? Can you put your feet up on the sofa and doze a bit? Have some more of these :hug: :hug: :hug:
lou said:
I totally sympathise, you are really big hun. I was never that big :shock: And you aren't fat either, you can see its all baby in that bump :lol: Have some choccy if it will lift your spirits.

Hang on in there :hug:

I know Lou :) I feel every bit as huge as I look too. I have never felt so incapacitated in all my life, I just cannot move :lol:

muppetmummy said:
Tillytots said:
Id like to have him in the birthing centre and I cant be induced there.

Have you changed your mind about a home birth?

Well after all the to-do with the excess water/ big baby OH isnt happy to do homebirth and I need him to be relaxed and comftable. Even though the birth centre is further away from hospital than my house it makes him happier being there and he has said he would much rather be there than home.

We went there when I had my GTT and it was really lovely, it was like being at home. They have a birthpool and you get a private double room with en-suite and your partner can stay the night with you during labour and after the birth. You also have the option to stay for up to 11 nights to get feeding established or help for whatever you need. (I dont plan on staying though ) They even order take-away for you and bring it to your door :rotfl: I think this is secretly why OH wants to go there :roll:

I think after much consideration this is probably the option I'll go for. Also I cant have a birthpool at my house. The only place I could put it is in the kitchen and whilst bouncing on my birthball the other night the floorboards were really wobbling, you can imagine me going through them in a pool :rotfl:

All being well I'll have the next babba at home :D
The birth centre sounds lovely :D
I'm the same, I wanted a homebirth but OH wasn't keen. He was worried about the pool falling through the kitchen floor, and the responsibility of having to fill it, keep it at the correct temperature and then clean up the mess afterwards.
I'm going to the midwife unit. They only have 2 in labour there at a time, and they have a pool so still going to be miles better than the hospital
Awwwww Tilly :hug: :hug:

I know how you feel about the clothes thing, I tried on a zip up jumper this morning and the zip popped!!!! So I now have only 3 jumpers 4 pairs of trousers and 3 tops!!!

Last night was the first night in 4-5 weeks that I have slept really well, every other night i wake up loads and my bump hurts where I have been laying on it!!!

Not long now though, and it will all be worth it and forgotten x x x x

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