

Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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Why has Emily suddenly started to wake up at 3am wide awake? When she done it this morning she guzzled 200mls milk, I put her back down and she still cried!! The only way to keep her happy was to bring her in with us (I know we shouldn't do it!). She lay for about an hour then fell asleep!!

Anyone else had this?? I'm at the end of my tether. X
Yeah, maybe. That doesn't explain her being WIDE AWAKE though??

No idea, sorry. Sounds like you are having a tough time with emily at the mo, hope things get better soon xxx
I know your LO is older than mine but the last week Donovan has done exactly the same thing, the only way we can get him back off is by bringing him in with us too where he will lie wide awake for between 1-2 hours chatting away (not crying) and eventually he will go back off. sorry not much help but ur not alone hun i feel ur pain! XX
Thanks Kay, it helps to know it's not just emily! I just really wish I knew what it was that is upsetting her!!??

Yep, I'm having a hard time with her at the moment but I'm sure I will come out the other side smiling x

hey hun my LO wakes me up 3 times in the night last night first he went sleep but then woke an hour later cryin in his sleep must of been his gums then he woke again so i tried the bottle an that didnt make much difference and then again at some other time so i tried gel in between that he woke playin with his cot mobile(yanking it) lol.
I didnt get up to him that time thinkin he would nod back off if i had got up he'd of expected to either play or cry until i got him up lol.
Its tough when you hardly have sleep your self hun im shattered today but i know its cos hes teething but im not sure if your LO is teething or not i think they either wake in pain or wana play or just wont settle until ya try everything. you must be tired hun. Hope the day is easier for you then the night. x
aw Ellie done this on Sun night and I thought oh no please go back to sleep, closed her room door over left slightly ajar and she EVENTUALLY fell over after a good hour xx
Cahal's night times have gone tits up too, it's only been since the clocks changed though, I was really hoping he'd have settled down by now as I changed the time gradually. Every morning since then though he's been wide awake and ready to get up at 4am. I end up having to nurse him back to sleep (usually takes about an hour of rocking and him trying to pull my face off in the chair after he's fed before he goes down tho) but even then he only sleeps for another hour or so. I think he could also be teething, he's jamming his fists into his mouth again so I don't suppose that helps. He was up 4 times last night too! :wall2:
oh dear its tiring aint it hun.
yeah ive noticed LO is more stickin 1 finger on the area that hurts him. I even tried gel calpol an nurofen not together like but nurophen n calpol dont seem to settle his stomach much nemore :( an gel is useless lol. With clocks keep goin to diff times its still light so prob think its play time or something lol x
Cahal's night times have gone tits up too, it's only been since the clocks changed though, I was really hoping he'd have settled down by now as I changed the time gradually. Every morning since then though he's been wide awake and ready to get up at 4am. I end up having to nurse him back to sleep (usually takes about an hour of rocking and him trying to pull my face off in the chair after he's fed before he goes down tho) but even then he only sleeps for another hour or so. I think he could also be teething, he's jamming his fists into his mouth again so I don't suppose that helps. He was up 4 times last night too! :wall2:

Inky, this sounds just like emily! Maybe it's to do with the clocks? We have just kept her bedtime at the same time??

The clocks are the only thing I can think of that have changed, he was sleeping perfectly before! I've was putting him down 10 minutes earlier every night to try to get him used to it, and he's back to going to bed at 7 now, it's just the waking up at 4am I don't understand :(
Tegans nights have gone wrong ever since she started Teething, saturday night she spent 3 hours up wide awake! last night she slept 12 hours But only had one 30 min nap all day x
Think we're in for a tough one tonight, I'm on my third trip up to resettle him tonigght and it's only 10pm...
How did you get on inky? Emily went to bed at 7 and woke up at 4.30. She went back to sleep On and off but has basically been awake since then :-(

I just can't believe this is the same baby that always slept 7 -7!!!!!

Cahal used to sleep 7-7 too, I reckon they're in cahoots lol!!

He went down no bother (as always) at 7, woke at 8, then 9, then 10, then 12:30, 3, and 4:30. We got up at 6am. Worst night in a LONG time :( Absolutely shattered!!! Checked his mouth again this morning, no sign of any more teeth but I can't think what else it could be! He was still sleepy each time he woke up except at 4:30 when he was raring to go lol!
Sorry you had such a bad night hun, its hard for the following day Isnt it? Is he just Crying when he wakes? Does he stop when you lift him?

I'm taking Emily to baby clinic today to get some advice on what to do. MIL has just arrived at mine to have her while I work this morning, told her that Emily has been having bottles in the night, she thought I shouldn't be doing that????

Cahal had his 8 month check with the hv yesterday so I asked her and she agreed probably teething and to suck it and see lol! Very helpful! She did also say he might be hungrier tho and as he did have a full feed at 4:30 I'll give him an extra feed tonight - I'll feel terrible if its cos he was hungry!

Another thing I've noticed is he's had a real growth spurt over the last couple of weeks... Maybe it's just everything al rolled into one
I've been to see the HV today and I'm going to give controlled crying a try tonight :-(. We have got into bad habits giving her milk and bringing her in with us. HV thinks the milk I'd just for comfort and I agree. Not sure how I feel about controlled crying but it's not doing any of us any good her being awake in the night. Oh god, I'm dreading bedtime already!!!!!


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