Daytime naps


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2005
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How do I get her to sleep during the day!!!!! She is tired but constantly fights it, wants to stay awake but is a very grizzly baby. I have put her in her crib as she keeps falling asleep on my boob but I can here her grizzling. She isn't crying so am leaving her in there to see if she goes but I have a feeling she won't. I just want an hour to do my housework or have lunch or have a break. Does anyone have any tips as am at the end of my tether, she is being very exhausting this week as I have to constantly be there for her.
Is it all the time or just the last few days? Rubie normally sleeps well day or night (lazy madam lol) but last week she was like that for about 5 or 6 days, then she was just back to normal one day. It may be a phase :?
i just put hannah in her cot with a cd on really low and she drops off on her own
I tried yesterday getting Brody to sleep in his crib upstairs, he goes off straight away at night, and he was really tired but he wouldn't have it.
In the end I did what I usually do in the day and thats rock him in his little chair. Either that or he'll go to sleep in the pushchair or car seat if I'm out.
I'm never going to put Phoebe in her cot for day naps. I want her to associate the whole environment with bed time and sleep in the hope that she'll continue to sleep all night.

Phoebe just has cat naps in the day really but she does fight it. I normally put a CD on and rock her to sleep in the day and as soon as she's asleep I put her in her travel cot downstairs. Occasionally she'll fall asleep in her bouncy chair but she never sleeps for long in there so I like to get her in the travel cot!!!

She definately has days where she won't settle though. And then they get over tired and then you're in a viscious circle. Don't really know what advice to give (after my essay!!). Maybe try rocking her to sleep in your arms and then putting her down somewhere?
I guess you need to find a way to take the boob out of the equation when you think she needs a nap.

Sorry I can't help anymore. xxx
hannah has always slept in her cot during the day and still sleeps all night with no problem she just knows the cot is to sleep in
Matthews been the same for a few days very tired and fighting it funny thing is he obviously knows his night time routine as happily sleeps when hes had a bath and bottle, sometimes he grizzles if he wakes but I ignore it and will only go if he crys as I dont want him to start getting used to me running in every five mins when theres nothing wrong and I dont want to have to cuddle him to sleep at night I think he has learnt to get himself off to sleep. I have resigned myself to thinking as long as he sleeps at night if he whinges all day then so be it! I'm sure its just a phase as last week for a couple of days he did nothing but sleep and eat!
Its been a while so I don't think it is just a phase. SDhe sleeps ok at night and usually goes down without a fuss (tonight was an obvious exception). I just worry that I am messing it all up, she cries and I check her bum, see if she is too hot, try and play or try and get her to sleep but it all does nothing and I end up breastfeeding her again. This goes on all day and I get nothing done. Even when I go out now she fights sleep, we were at the supermarket the other day and she screamed the place down. I used to be able to go shopping with her from 3 weks and do all the weekly shopping but not anymore, me and OH are having some weird food combinations as I just bung what I can in the trolley. I look at everyone elses babies and they all seem perfectly happy but mine doesn't. She is ok with other people so then I think it is just me, and I know that she is probably picking up on my anxiety but then that makes me feel worse that I can't hide it from her. When I'm with OH I am ok, she is mor relaxed etc but he works during the week. I know I'm ranting sorry but its just getting to me again. Have been reading the Baby Whisperer and she is saying that babies should go a couple of hours between feeds but Seren won't, so I am obviously messing that up. I honestly thought I was getting better but its so obvious that I'm not :(
Hey Beanie hun

Sorry I don't have any advice for what might be wrong with Seren (only to say that do you use a sling at all? I keep hearing how good they are for calming wee babies down that seem to just want to be held or to suckle all the time), but please don't put yourself down cos you're doing a really grand job and the fact that you are putting her on your boob in the end which soothes her just shows you are being the best mummy as her wellbeing is your utmost priority.

I hope Seren settles soon,

Lucy x

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