Breastfeeding when ill


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2006
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I have had a cold the last couple of days and I'm struggling to even hold Finley as I feel so bad. It is really hard to hold and feed him, especially through the night. I have tried expressing milk though my supply is low with being ill. I know only I can breastfeed baby but it sure is hard when you're ill and getting no sleep! I know, I'm always moaning these days lol! :(
I would be tempted to get into bed with your little man and stay there! Feed him lying down!

:hug: hope you feel better soon
Poor you; there is nothing worse than feeling ill when you have a little one to look after.

I agree with Lyndsey; get into bed and feed Finley laying down.

Hope you feel better soon :hug:
i agree with lindsey too. take it easy and watch a film in bed or something :hug: get well soon.
Thanks girls, I did just that last night and slept a whole lot better!
mummykay said:
glad ur better hun, i love feedin Jamie in bed!! :D

i do too. i often get Bethany off to nursery and go to bed to feed Rachael :lol:
We both end up nodding off and waking up rushing around for the school run :lol:
Olivia comes in with me when she wakes up in the night, I love waking up next to her and she smiles at me and trys to talk ( well she sounds like shes tuning into a radio station :lol: )

:hug: I love the clossness we have its wonderful

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