Good news and bad news:
Good = Meadow latched and fed twice today!
15 mins each time. This at least shows we can do it!!!
Bad = expressed yesterday and once overnight but nothing today - I feel such a failure. I had a visitor this morning then i was so tired and looking after Meadow...the hours went by and I just don't know how I will ever fit in the expressing needed!!!
I am going to keep trying Meadow latching. She is being supplemented with formula but if I breastfeed her first....
She also only seems to want one breast
Thanks for the advice everyone - the expressing advice is really good. I just don't know how to fit it all in.
Good = Meadow latched and fed twice today!

Bad = expressed yesterday and once overnight but nothing today - I feel such a failure. I had a visitor this morning then i was so tired and looking after Meadow...the hours went by and I just don't know how I will ever fit in the expressing needed!!!

I am going to keep trying Meadow latching. She is being supplemented with formula but if I breastfeed her first....
She also only seems to want one breast

Thanks for the advice everyone - the expressing advice is really good. I just don't know how to fit it all in.