who's having a baby boy


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2010
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hiya girls,

just been nosey on lannys post and noticed she's right, alot of us are having boys..

how did everyone feel to find out they were having a boy.. And was it what they wanted?

i kind of wanted a girl but then when i found out its a boy i was over the moon.. Couldn't imagine having a girl now..

not excluding you girls who are having little princesses.. How did you feel?

kylie xxx
I'm having another boy and am over the moon :love:. I always thought I would have 3 boys so I would have been shocked if they would have said it's a girl (not that I would have been unhappy with a girl).
My OH had said he wanted a girl. I wasn't bothered. I had said from about 6 weeks it was a boy and I was right! I was really really excited to find out he was indeed a he but I was really worried that my OH was disappointed and I was focused on that for about a week! But when he came home with some blue shoes later that week I knew he wasn't disappointed and was actually looking forward to our son!

We can not wait to meet him! Just wish he'd decide he's coming!
I'm having a boy too! Although I keep thinking maybe the sonogropher got it wrong on the scan and it's a girl?? Don't mind either way but what would I do with all those cute little boy outfits?? I've got them hanging in baby's wardrobe and they look sooo cute! lol
moment of truth...
I always wanted a boy :love: ......... until i got pregnant.. i had a feeling it was a girl, so did OH and we both got so used with the thought so all i wanted was my little princess.
At the scan she said it was a boy and OH looked at me and first thing he said was "are you ok?"
I will admitt i was disapointed for a minute but after the scan i started to think about my little boy and i am so greatful i got him now and wouldnt change it for the world.
Im ashamed to admitt it but thats how i felt.

I cant imagine being without Noa now, and he is such a mummys boy already! :love:
i think im having a girl although it never been completly clear id be happy with a boy but very much hoping girl as boy bits scare me lols
I'm having a boy too! Although I keep thinking maybe the sonogropher got it wrong on the scan and it's a girl?? Don't mind either way but what would I do with all those cute little boy outfits?? I've got them hanging in baby's wardrobe and they look sooo cute! lol

i was worried about that as when i had 20 week scan the sonographer said he was sure its a boy but not 100% but luckily i had 32 weeks scan and they checked again and said its definitely a little boy :)

me and OH were so happy, OH wanted a boy first anyway.. But OH's mum has two lads and wanted a granddaughter.. I was mad because when we told OH's parents we were having a boy they didn't seem happy which i thought was horrible of them x
i think im having a girl although it never been completly clear id be happy with a boy but very much hoping girl as boy bits scare me lols

that was my thought, i know what girls go through and obviously know about girly bits but have no clue about boys.. People keep telling me what boys usually do after been bathed as their about to be changed x
We were told we were having a boy at 20 wk scan :)

We were delighted to be expecting another boy, and to know early on, as DS1 had his room decorated beige as we didnt know what we were expecting. It gave us the chance to decorate in blue for their room at the new house.

DS1 is really full of beans, and I often wonder how a little girl would have coped in my household, with him just turning two lol. she would need to be made of strong stuff :lol:

But a small part of me would have loved a girl, however, this way works for us, and maybe once the two boys are at school, we will try again for our wee princess
We're having a boy as well. All my family and friends assumed girl because there are so many in my family, but was told at 20wk scan that baby's a boy. Hubby is over the moon (he didn't want to be outnumbered by my female family!), I'm just happy that all is well so far! I think secretly I wanted a girl as I know nothing about boys and how to look after them (plus girls clothes are so much cuter!). But at the mo just want him to come and say hello to the world asap!
I am having a little girl, as we were told at 20 week scan. Really excited as I wanted a little girl so much and I have a little 9 year old boy already. Hope they havent made a mistake as there will have too be a lot of returns made for all the pink clothes I have bought.xx
I'll be honest too!

I have 2 boys already and with such another age gap we thought we'd leave it now and just enjoy the boys. Well, i fell pregnant! I thought that it was fate and maybe this time it'd be a girl. I thought it'd be a girl, i got to be honest. I felt different this time. I had my 13 week scan and posted a picture up of his nub on a website and they all predicted boy..I was a little gutted to say the least..thought they might have got it wrong!

Anyway i prepped myself up for it being a boy at my 20 week scan and it was. I was ok about it. I felt for my hubby more. He was desperate for a girl cos the boys are mammy's boys! I felt like a bit of a failure that i couldn't give him the girl that he wanted. And i feel a bit sad that before the scan he was all excited and now he's just nothing. Perhaps i read too much into it i don't know as i know he'll love this little boy more than anything when he's born. As the pregnancy progressed i felt very protective of the little boy inside me because of peoples opinions...'ooo another boy? Oh well.' 'Oh nevermind, there's always next time' I don't care what anyone thinks, i love this boy with all my heart and so what if i meant to have all boys...they are the best!
i am having a boy when we were told I burst into tears as I thought I was having a girl, took me a while to get used to the fact we were having a boy but now I am so excited to see him
I wanted another girl really bad but as soon as I saw his winky before they said it's a boy, I was over the moon!! I can't wait to have my little man now and even laceys excited even though she wanted a sister and told everyone I was having a girl lol
I always thought that I'd have a boy lol. I just had that gut feeling ever since I found out that I'd be having a boy. And I was right! :D If anyone asked me what I was hoping for, I'd say I didn't mind, but I was secretly hoping for a little boy. <3 I'd just gotten so attached to the idea so was super excited when we found out. My mum was hoping boy too and she pretty much had a little celebration at the ultrasound ahah.
Though saying that, I think if they said I was having a girl I would have been just as happy. People ask me now if I'm having a girl and when I say no a boy they'll be all "Really? But you're carrying so small and all in the front." I'm like... yeah seen his winky twice so I know it's a boy! XD And I can't wait to meet himmmm. <3
i think its aloud to hope one way or another, becouse i have learned that in the end, it doesnt matter atall.. you will love that little one who ever it turns out to be!

I was also worried i would disapoint OH as he wanted a daddys girl but he cant wait to meet his son now and all he said was " i think i wanted a girl to spoil, i feel i have to be more strict with a boy cuz you will spoil him so much"
I'm having a boy. I did secretly want a girl & feel quite guilty now, but I just can't wait to meet my little man. I'm 31+4 so not long really now. :blue:
i always thought he was a boy and it was confirmed at 20 wk scan :) me and oh are so pleased and i know oh cant wait to have a lil boy to play footie and xbox with lol just cant wait for him to arrive now xxx
I thought girl in the first tri, and then decided he was a boy in the second

Accidently we both saw the bits at the 20 week scan and the sonograher offer to write it down incase I wanted to confirm later on or remain a guess. See the attached piccy (lovely to have this now) - The envelope was opened by my daughter and she read it out to us all!

I had convinced myself I was having a boy with my last baby as they told us she was a girl at the scan, I didn't want to have any disapointed feeling on the day of her birth. I did such a good job, I really was expecting a little boy called Devon by the time she arrived, (which of course I was over the moon!) , but a little peice of me, longed for my Devon! So here we are , after a MMC in march, (or either gender), I believe it was meant to be , I am having my little Devon from nearly 9 years ago and couldn't be happier.

If the scan is wrong, I will have a shock, and may have to call her Devon after all, but my daughter would be very happy too - so win win for us.


  • Sonographers envelope Aug 27th 2010 Devon.jpg
    Sonographers envelope Aug 27th 2010 Devon.jpg
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