What woukd you do...opininons please..


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2008
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Hi girls...just wondered what you would do in this situation...as some of you already know at my 20 week scan the sonographer said she thought my LO was a girl but said she was laying in a funny position so suggested we didn't go out buying pink stuff.

We are thinking about decorating our nursery and DH thinks we should decoarte it as a girls room...he said he doesn't mind if we have a boy and will just redo it. If we do have a girl I would like the nursery to be girly but I am just thinking about having to change it all over and poor Dh having to redecorate. Do you think it is worth the risk???

The other thing I am considering is the fact that we haven't told anyone if we are having a boy or a girl (apart from you lot!!) cos I wanted to surprise them...if they see a pink, girly nursery they will know!!!

I don't know what to do ...I'm rubbish at decision making. :think:
how about ding the walls a natural colour like cream and use cream curtain but add pink bits like cushions and teddies to give it a girlie feel without going over the top incase it does turn out to be a boy :)
manda xx
I'm maybe a little biased towards unisex because I'm not a 'pink for girls blue for boys' fan anyway. I like a mixture of natural colours and bright colours. Isaac's room is unisex, cream walls, white woodwork and bed. He has toys that are red and green and blue and yellow, he has teddies and cuddly toys. The only thing in there that is not unisex is his bed cover, its blue with ships and airplanes on but he's only had that since we turned the cot bed into a bed when he was one. Before that he had white and cream bedding. BTW we knew we were having a boy from the scans before Isaac was born but we still decorated unisex just because thats the style we like :D

What you have to think about is the paint fumes and disruption of having to re-deorate the nursery once baby is here. It would be a real nuisance and a bit of a waste of time and money tbh.

Unisex is the way forward I say!

i'm kind of having hte same worries, even though they had a very good view of babies bits and the lady seemed very sure she was a girl i'm worried she'll coem out a boy lol.
the bit where baby will be im decorating a warm cream/beige colour and i've got some pink bunny peel off stickers to put on the walls to make them girly, therefore if she comes out male i can remove them and get blue ones, and all pink stuff i buy i've kept receipts for so i can swap for blue if necessary.
Not sure why im so paraniod though cos the lady didnt even say i think or im pretty sure she just said "thats a girl" and usually they warn you that it might be wrong
i would do it unisex and then add the pink thigs when she arrives. it will save alot of time and money if she does turn out to be a boy
Our nursery is already decorated blue with sailing ships etc for our son (now 3) I have bought a few pink bits but am waiting until LO arrives then will add pink curtains and accessories - as the walls are a light powder blue and I have found material with pink and blue flowers am hoping it will be easy to make it girly.

We did the same in our old house - had a boy first then added pink border and curtains when dd born
was it a private scan or hospital?

i cant help thinking they must have been fairly sure to tell you either way, but just covering theirs backs in case.....

but then again.....!!!

i dont know is the answer!!
I had the same at my 20 week scan and we decided to do the nursery unisex as the last thing your oh will want to do once baby is here is to redecorate as there will be enough to do with a newborn. I agree with the others have it unisex and once she is here you can add more pink.
We were told we were 90% having a girl - which hasn't stopped me buying loads of girly clothes.

...But we kept the nursery neutral - we have gone for teddy's wash day from mothercare, which has bits of lavender in it which we can pick out when she is here. We also have some pink toys scattered around :)

It took my husband quite a while as it used to be a study, so I think he'd kill me if we had to do it again hehe
I would paint walls neutral and then accessorize in pink girly things
we did our babies room with the 'I Love My Bear' stuff from babies r us. Its all creams and browns and i liked that even before i found out we were having a girl, so thats what we've done :D Im very paranoid that theyve got it wrong, so its staying neutral for now!

If shes definitley a girl we can add little pink touches around the room (or blue if they got it wrong, lol :lol: )

Anyway , with already having a little girl, ive had anough of pink for the time being anyway. Beth has to have EVERYTHING in pink, so neutrals a nice change :D
I agree with the others, go for a neutral colour, then buy pink accessories once she's here :D
I know I'm having a girl but still decorated the nursery in neutral colours so that the stuff i am buying new for this LO, will *hopefully* be OK to use for my 2nd (if that should happen!) I wanted something that could work for a boy or a girl.
i said unisex just because thats how im doing the nursery, I'm not really keen on the baby pastel colours for either sex so have gone for bright colours in a farm theme from verbaudet.

I love the bits I've chosen and if I happen to have a girl at a later date, I don't have to buy everything all over again.
unisex and then add little pink things here and there
Thanks for all your replies girls!! I made a spontaneous decison today and booked a 4d scan!!! :shock: so at least I'll know for definate then. :cheer:

DH is a bit freeked out by them but i went and booked it anyway!!!

The thing that made me decide to do it was...at work today i was teaching PE and a child swung on one of those ropes (don't know if people know what I mean by them??) straight into the side of my bump!!! :( I felt soooooooo sick, think it was just worrying about it. I am ok now and can feel LO kicking around so I'm sure no damage was done!! It just panicked me so I phoned the 4d scanning place and booked in for one next week (it's just opened so they aren't all booked up like others might be)

I'm dead excited now cos I'll get to see my LO again!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: .....and know for certain if she is really a she!!! :D
You'll love the 4d scan! We got some amazing pics of Logan. It's brilliant seeing what your LO looks like :D

Don't worry about the rope incident, your LO's safe in there and wouldn't have been hurt :hug: :hug:
I voted Unisex
i love colours and id have painted decotatede the nursery bright colours even if id had a girl
i personaly dont like pink
and dont just want blue for my boy
so have fun experimenting with colours much more exciting then sticking to one colour
or stay nutural till the baby is born then paint it the colous of your choice
then, if you like pink then go for it ect ect.

As long as you and your OH happy with the nursery then thats all that counts im sure your baby will love it what every colours you chose:D
sarah :wave: :wave:

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