Who knows your TTC?

Nurse 26

Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
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Hey guys :wave:

This question may have been asked before but i'm curious?

Due to my MMC both sets of our parents and bro's and sis's know we are TTC, they were all happy but had no idea we were trying, but i prefered it when they did'nt know, feel as though they are watching and waiting.

So who knows? Did you tell them? are you glad they know?

I've told my husband (ha ha), my sister, best friend and a couple of people in the travel industry who I can trust not to blab but does not really matter cos only see every once in a while - just in passing conversation though when they say "Are you thinking of having another?" that kind of thing - oh and my next door neighbour who's 15 weeks pregnant
I've told my mum, dad & brother & best friend but the OH not told any if his family or friends
Im the same as you Nurse, because everyone i know knew i was pregnant, everyone knows that we are going to be ttc again, it seemed to be a popular question! x x

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I wish mine and his family didnt know, although they don't ask all the time, When i do get another BFP it won't be a surprise to anyone :( just feel like they wont be as excited next time.

Really liked it when it was just me and OH that knew, less pressure

Tracey - bet loads of people ask you that since you have your boy, when are you having another? :)

Kezzamunster - it seems to be much easier for men to keep secrets dosnt it? i like to blab, hehe
me and the OH obv
my bestest mate in the world and me mum
who every time AF gets me now is like awwww bab im sorry awwww no awww.........
awwww your making me cry more lol shut upppppppp
no shes lovely really but sometimes someone needs to tel u to get a grip!!!!
Ye i know M2A, mine don't ask all the time but i feel like they are watching me and looking for clues.

aww linxminx your mum sounds lovely, i guess thats just mum's being mum's eh?
I waited till my 12 week scan and then started to tell the world, so its not just family that know with me, it people i work with and friends :(

Dont feel pressurised hunny, things will happen when they happen and im sure pressure can be like stress :hugs: x x

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Only my mum and sisters know.

I'm very close to my dad so wouldn't want him to get his hopes up but mum and sisters are very useful for advice as they've all had babies!

I've not kept them in the loop as much this cycle though because I want to be relaxed and not have everyone's opinions in my face lol. x x
Its OK Miss July - We're all very opinionated and can get in your face on their behalf - and all you need to do it just "click" us away ha ha - bet you wish you could do that with people sometimes - I know I do!!
Lol! I don't think I do feel that way about anyone, I get on with everyone so far lol! x
Told absolutely no one. Just me and hubby are in on it. Couldn't stand all that pressure if everyone knew. It's bad enough ttc when you're 40 years old without all the "well the clock's ticking" comments!
My OH obviously, thought I best tell him ;) and my CF team at the hospital as things needed discussing before I decided if it was right decision but apart from that no one. I really want to tell my mum as we are really close and will do at some point but it's difficult as I know before she will feel happy for us she's going to be worried due to my health but apart from that we won't tell anyone else probably until when/if I am past 3 months.
I've ended up blabbing to a few people and wish I hadn't...some friends and my Mum. Not many people ask, but you do end up thinking they're wondering about it. My Mum always asks me if I'm on my period lol and last week emailed me about her friend recommending looking out for ewcm! Cringe! Although she meant well lol.

I'm entirely to blame I suppose!

my mum n OH thats it, oh and i often chat to the dog, im not trying yet. But ive told them I will, heres some dust :dust: good luck xx
I've told anyone who asks that we're ttc.

Since the wedding it's the first thing that they ask about and i always vaguely say we're working on it, which actually seems to be the quickest way to end the conversation.

If you lie and say that you're not then they want to know why not and tell you how old they were when they had kids and how you're getting on a bit etc etc.

The only people i've talked about it to the point of discussing baby names is my immediate family - parents and siblings - and my closest friends.

The only person out of my immediate family who enquire how it's going regualrly is my mum, the rest aren't interested until i have actual BFP news.

No one pesters me at all and if they did, they'd only do it once.

I feel more realxed them knowing because i tend to babble a lot about things that are on my mind and secrets don't sit well with me unless it would hurt someone else to blab :)
Both sets of parents (I'm really close to my parents so will update them every cycle, OH's mum is hilarious - trying to drop it into conversation to see how we're doing without actually asking - endless amusement for me) - I don't find it adds any pressure, they're all really excited for us and I know they'll be happy when we manage it.

Our next door neigbour knows - she was in the garden when we were chatting and made the decision. Admitted it a few weeks later after slipping up in conversation. She's an absolute gem too

And one guy at work. He's over 5 years in to a massive TTC battle and picked up on it straight away by my response to something he said.
Hey guys :wave:

This question may have been asked before but i'm curious?

Due to my MMC both sets of our parents and bro's and sis's know we are TTC, they were all happy but had no idea we were trying, but i prefered it when they did'nt know, feel as though they are watching and waiting.

So who knows? Did you tell them? are you glad they know?



I've told a couple of friends and they were happy for me. But now I regret as this is taking more time than I expected:/ And of course people are getting pregnant all around me and since we got married in March, I feel everyone is expecting us to get pregnant as well...hopefully we will soon:)
OH family been on at him about kids for a long time, he has 3 nephews & a niece so they like when's it your turn.....
Although we have been together over 12 years, not getting married till 2013 so that's another thing they go on about
It's best we keep it from them otherwise be on our case the whole time

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