Who knows you are ttc?

I have told my mum and stepdad and a couple of close friends but DH hasnt told anyone as until we get a scan pic he would rather keep it quiet x
We've been trying since last April and we are yet to tell anyone, I want to tell my best friend who I work with but I keep putting it off. I wouldn't tell the rest of my work colleagues even tho we all get on only because I would get constant questions about it and its been bad enough each month when its hasn't happened. We've told no family either for the same reason as someone else said I want it to be a surprise when I can say for defo and with a scan picture!
I've only told my mum. I could have told the world when we started, thankfully I didnt. I would be soo embarrassed now
Nobody but me and hubby because i cant bear the thought of that is she isnt she and the pressure from it i would feel.
Although it had given me pause for thought now that my oh is trying to quit smoking(low sperm count,advised to quit to raise it),hasnt told anyone and he had a smoke yesterday,offered by his sis who is unaware hes trying to pack in or why hes trying to give up.
Just frustrates me so much that he is trying and theres all this temptation around and none of the smokers know theyre messing with my potential future chances of becoming pregnant.

Made me wonder about keeping things secret.
well, I know I am TTC and my bestest friend knows, officially hubby thinks we are just "seeing what happens" but we saw a friends baby today and he got all broody admitting the sooner we have one of our own the better but he doesnt know i'm using OPK's etc. My cousin falls pregnant at the drop of a hat and we both got married last year so now she's all smug with her two kids (had before she got married) and keeps asking "any news yet" I just want to punch her in the face to be honest (LOL!!!) and have to tell her that not everyone falls that quick and that we arent even trying just to make myself feel better for not being pregnant yet. Also, OH and I like to keep ourselves to ourselves and dont really want people to know until we have something to tell!!!

So unfortunately for you guys, I pretty much only have you to talk to/moan at/cry with lol!!!! thanks xxxx
I've told too many people! My mum a d bro's and sis, 4 of my best friends and oh's mum!!

It was great when I told them almost a year ago as I was so excited at the prospect of being pregnant at any time but now I hate all the "any news" questions from my friends! Luckily my mum is really understanding and won't mention it unless I bring it up.

I wished I kept it away from my friends though so I could shock them when I eventually get my bfp!!

We didn't tell anyone but my sister asked me outright and gave me a thermometer! I told her not to tell Mum though and I don't think she has, but Mum keeps saying things like "hurry up!" or "I can't wait to be a Grandma" which piles on the pressure! Its been a year now and friends have said things like "every time I see you drinking I feel disappointed that you're not pregnant" which is like an unwelcome reminder. (I didn't tell them but they just assumed because I've always wanted kids and now have a lovely husband.) I told a girl at work I wanted to have a family one day and even though I didn't tell her when we'd started trying, she kept saying "hurry up and get pregnant before Christmas!" That was 8 months ago and she's stopped now thankfully.
I've now asked a few close friends for advice but don't want to tell them how long its been because they say things like "don't worry it took us 6 months!" I wish!
Have told my best girlfriends, a couple of people at work (work in all female office).

Can't bare to tell any of my family, my brother is one of those "I've-done-it-better-than-you-types" so the fact he got his then-girlfriend pregnant by accident, he will have no qualms about rubbing that in my face.

Have been married less than a year so am asked at least 3 or 4 times a week "when you having babies Em?" Do have to bite my tongue not be rude sometimes!! :wall2:

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