Who is your birthing partner?


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
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Who is everyone having with them at the birth? I am only having my husband, he really wants to be there and I really want him with me as well! I was also tempted to have my
Mum but I think the moment baby is actually born is a moment for a couple, from what I've seen on tv anyway!! And I think my hubby would want it to be just us :)

Why about all you ladies?

I'm just having my OH there. I maybe would have had my Mum in there until I started pushing but she passed away 18 months ago. I wouldn't have anyone other than OH there for the actual birth though as I think it's definitely just a moment for the 2 of us.
I'm having my best friend Krista, :) She's the closest thing I have to an OH. My original birthing partner finally showed her true colours after 27 years of friendship :shock: And i'm so glad she won't be there :) If I had an OH they would be there, I wouldn't have my mum, I think its a really intimate experience. I am SO excited :lol:

i had my mum and partner at my first sons birth this time im just having my partner xx
It's just going to be me and my DH - I would feel weird with anyone else there!
Hopefully my OH if he doesn't pass out. :lol: Had my mum in with me the first time round as I had know one else and was 17 - wouldn't do that again though as she thinks she has some sort of say over her now.. grrrr.
Hey, I am having my OH and that is it. No mums or sisters.. xxx
My husband will be there with me. He was there on dd2's birth (my eldest dd1 has a different dad) and to be honest he was a bit bewildered. This time round I've made him watch one born every minute and also written him a birth plan to prepare him lol. I think he has more of an idea this time. He will keep me calm and help me not panic when things get tough as well.

I would like my mum there because she's quite straight forward and would stop me whinging and get me focused. Unfortunately she would pass out at the entrance of the hospital. How she had me and my sister I will never know.
yep it will be just me and OH, i might have had another close friend there but i moved to Cardiff about 18 months ago so its just too far to ask an old time friend to travel from Nottingham at the drop of a hat x
My mum is coming with me, she really wants to be there and is very excited so I couldnt say no . plus if baby comes on time I havent really got anyone else to have there. If baby is late (which I hope not) then it will be my husband and my mum. Im not bothered whether my husband is there or not as I think he'll be completely useless and annoy me as he panicks if im in pain lol...

My sister really really wants to come although in her words she doesnt want to see anything 'down there' but I might just let her know too late as I think she may annoy me lol
Im having OH (I'm hoping it will change him for the better-different story all together) Mum said she will be at hosp if I need her but she thinks its best for me and OH to do it together. My sis would love to be there too so if Its a weekend, so maybe my sis. Ahh im getting so impatient! x
it is just going to be me and oh. although my dad is on stand by if i need him. very very close to my dad. xxx
I had my mum first time as the dad wasn't around n this time I'm havin my partner x
I think my mum would end up saying "no your doing it wrong, do it like this or like that" etc and I'd end up slapping her. Plus Hubby wants it to be just us x
i had my mum and OH on first, 2nd had oh and this one having my mum because she more understanding and help me more as fella gets bored waiting round lol
My mum really wants to be there, and I'd like her to be as well, as we are really close but I also think that it should just be a moment for me and hubby.
Im having my best friend (who is training to be a doula) and the dad if he wants to be there only time will tell.
First time round, my mum was supposed to drive over from Berks to Cheltenham where I was at the time, just to be at least outside the room at the time, while my ex and I were in the delivery room - but it happened so quick! And she'd had a whole shot of Baileys so she wouldn't get behind tghe wheel til morning and turned up half hour after Kai was born :)

This time, an in cardiff, much further away, and I'm happy for it to just be my OH and I. There is no one on his side to come even if they hadn't lived back in Essex, as he lost his last parent last year. He has no siblings and apart from my lil bro living in Guildford, we're not THAT close, get me? :p

I think it's lovely reading who has had who in before and who is having who in this time.

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