Which chore do you hate most of all?


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2007
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I absolutely detest emptying the dishwasher!!! :evil:
I also hate putting the ironing away, although i dont actually mind ironing.
Just wondered which chore you all hate most?
I hate ironing! I put it off/ I actually don't have an ironing board cover at the mo!
I hate putting clothes away too!
Think yourself lucky you have a dishwasher! I have to wash and dry all mine and that is the chore I hate most of all.

Closely followed by cleaning the sunroom (its spider infested to really creeps me out!)

Putting away clean washing, we haven't got enough wardrobe space so I end up just cramming it all into drawers :twisted:
Urchin said:
Putting away clean washing, we haven't got enough wardrobe space so I end up just cramming it all into drawers :twisted:

exactly the same for me..we just have had new fitted wardrobes as well and there still isnt enough room. :wall: :wall:
Taking rubbish out to the bin :oops: Having to sort it, bag it and walk up the path with it everyday lol

I am soo lazy :lol: - i dont iron anything :lol: that may be because OH broke the iron before i even had chance to use it :rolleyes: never bothered to get one, if there is something i need to iron i take it to mums/OHs mum!

i WISH i had a dishwasher i absolutely HATE doing the pots - all those bits of food and that floating around the bowl makes me :puke: :puke: :puke:
suzy100 said:
I absolutely detest emptying the dishwasher!!! :evil:
I also hate putting the ironing away, although i dont actually mind ironing.
Just wondered which chore you all hate most?

i agree i hate emptying the dishwasher too and i hate unpacking shopping.
I hate ironing to the extent I avoid it at all costs.

I detest cleaning the bath - probably because it hurts my back at the moment.
Most of it! :lol: I do love hoovering though but if I had to pick one chore I REALLY hate it would be doing the dishes.
Cleaning the bathroom i'd rather stand and iron :(
Sorting out the recycling. I only have space in my kitchen for one tub so everything goes in there and then has to be separated outside - otherwise I would have to be going outside for each item. Luckily this has kinda been delegated as OH's job. :D
I hate ironing, hubby does ours and I do Maddisons :x :wink:

I also hate putting clothes away, dusting, hoovering, dishes, any kind of chore actually :?
Emma58 said:
Cleaning the bathroom i'd rather stand and iron :(

I quite like cleaning the bathroom :)
I don't mind hoovering at all, washing up is a pain but I like it when it's all done and the kitchen is all shiny.
I hate ironing and never do it at all - oh does all the ironing!! I also hate emptying the dishwasher and hate hanging out the washing lol!!
Urchin said:
I quite like cleaning the bathroom :)

do you wanna come and do mine? i HATE cleaning the bathroom :evil: :evil: i quite like all the other chores though... :)
Got to be cleaning the bathroom and toilet for me too, hate it :x

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