where were you when you'r waters broke???


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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just out of interest......

i'm worried mine are gonna break whilst i'm in bed... and we have a memory foam mattress :? might have to invest in some waterproof sheets.... just incase!

where did you'r waters break?!?!?!??!
Mine broke 30mins before Angel was born!
My Auntie's broke when she was in bed.

You can buy sheets from Boots. I forgot but i saw them after. Think they come in a pack of like 6, and they're disposable.
Bed... but it wasn't a tsunami... I just felt a bit wetter (sorry TMI!) than normal and gravity did its work when I stood up! :rotfl:

There wasn't a mark on the bed but I had a disposable maternity mat down just in case.
During labour. I bought matress protector sheets from Boots but never used them in bed - they were used to cover my lounge floor when the baby came quickly!
I was sitting on the sofa reading the forum when I heard a clunk, said OMG, suddenly needed to toilet.... waddled there quick as and just as I took my knickers down... whooosh.... :rotfl: :rotfl: it wasn't as much as I expected tbh :think:
In the hospital with the midwife using what looks like a tent peg to burst them - oh the dignity of it all :D
SarahH said:
In the hospital with the midwife using what looks like a tent peg to burst them - oh the dignity of it all :D

:rotfl: Ditto!
Mine went in bed but it was a trickle rather than a gush so controlled with maternity pads. I would definitely recommend investing in a waterproof sheet of some sort though, I had really heavy bleeding for the first couple of weeks, and we had a brand new mattress that I was paranoid I'd stain it! The waterproof sheet was really good for peace of mind.
It hospital, i was bloody soaked lol and i remember going mad coz my socks were drenched and they were the only pair i had :roll: funny what you moan about whilst in labour!
At home, in the bedroom having just had an internal and check on my cervix from the MW. I stood up and she squuezed my bump and lo my waters broke. I was about 5 hours into first stage labour (after 2 days of latent labour).
In hosp, they were broken by midwife & I just remember a lovely warm feeling for about 30 seconds then the hellish pain was back :twisted: :lol:
In hospital when I was climbing out of the birthing pool, I didn't even notice :shock: Hubby told me afterwards :lol:
LisaJ1986 said:
You can buy sheets from Boots. I forgot but i saw them after. Think they come in a pack of like 6, and they're disposable.

These are the best things ever; definitely buy some!

They are handy in the car on the way to hospital too.

My waters went in bed and I have a memory foam mattress also; those sheets definitely saved my bed and there was a lot of water.

All the best to you :hug:
Mine didn't break until about 40 minutes before he was born, they went while I was in the pool but it didn't feel like a huge rush, more like a little trickle.
2 ish in the morning on a hospital bed. I woke up because the tens machine wire had slipped out of the sitcky pad and was shocking me up the backside. I moved to dislodge it and felt a gush. Called the MW in, and said ive either wet myself or my waters have broke.

as already said, I would get a mattress protector. You can get them quite cheap and it would put your mind at rest.

Also, if your waters go elsewhere, you should be able to claim on your insurance if it causes a lot of damage. ive seen a few bodily fluid claims over the years :wink:
In bed. I sneezed and felt a gush, so i got out of bed as quickly as i could with my SPD and managed to get to the loo before it really started to gush out.
in hospital when i was 9-10cms dilated :)

i was standing up working my way through a contraction, then i felt something trickling down my legs :lol: i said - eh, i think i'm leaking :rotfl:
I was 5cm, had just had internal and been told my waters were bulging. I was kneeling on the living room rug (luckily with a towel underneath me) and whoosh. Well, small whoosh followed by more whooshes..lol. Tbh there wasn't as much as I expected!

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