Where oh where is my ovulation??

My chart starting temping cd 12 today is cd17

Babydust to all


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I think you may well have ov'ed already - what was your temp this morning?

It was 36.32 highest point was 36.5 but I think woth it been first month ive totally misjudged it as was looking at my period tracker app which suggested ovulation would b yesterday which would have been cd16 and although my periods r regular by some peoples standards they have been between 27 days and 33 days- is that classed as regular?? Checking cm but that was getting me nowhere fast!

Babydust to all
Well 27 to 33 that is a good 6 days difference and that will have an effect on ov day - I think you have ov'ed and are now in tww!

I know what you mean about cm I struggle to check that!

Lots of baby dust to you

What is the normal jump you would expect?? Dont really feel like Ive earned a 2ww!
Well my jump is before ov 35.9 or 36.2 then after ov 36.4 or 36.6 - I am no expert only temping for two months so far!

I have also read that better to temp in Fahrenheit rather that Celsius I am currently temp in Celsius and might change!

It's really difficult to tell from your chart because you've only just started temping. My temps jump from 36.30-36.80 at its highest. It jumps up gradually but you will definitely notice the difference.

Have you done an opk yet to see if it's showing anything? Try not to get too stressed & just see what happens this cycle.

Done asda opk n there is a line but its v faint n def not as dark as control line wat does everyone think?

Babydust to all


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Looks pretty positive to me! I'd get :bd:

Surge is definitely on its way

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I would say its negative... sorry! The test line has got to be the same or darker than the control line. I used asda opks this month and it def shows darker for a positive. I reckon you have ov'd already, prob best to keep temping then if af does come and your temp drops you'll know you have ov'd. First month with opk and temps is hard but keep going, its easier on 2nd cycle! xxx
Try clearblue, you either get a smiley face or not so theyre easy to read. On the cheapies my line is never as dark as the control even when I get a smiley face on cb. Try a couple more opks in the next day or so to see if they get darker, u might be coming up 2 ovulation.xx
Nope line completely gone n thats darkest ive had temp peaked day 12 so think ive missed it this month. Its all a learning curve x

Babydust to all

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