Us July mummies have become really close since we started a group on Facebook.
It's so much easier to hold conversations on there than it is on here.
I was here 2.5 years ago, and agree, the forum was much more active then. Someone posted this same thing a couple months back, and we swore we'd bring back labour threads. Said the same thing about how people stick to month threads etc.
We've had mummies post threads on here, and after hundreds of views, still not have a single response. On FB, conversation is continuously flowing.
My bump buddy did a phenomenal job keeping people updated, on FB, on our month thread, and she started my personal labour thread.
Which about five people commented on, and it's long since dropped off the page.
2.5 years ago, labour threads were epic 10 page affairs.
I really hope that comes back, but it won't be July mummies that manage it, I don't reckon.
Some of it may have to do with how quickly our babies are arriving.
Mostly, it's because the forum seems to die off by Tri 3.
I've been keeping the July mummies front page up to date, we are still around.
Just, quieter. Xx