Where are your buggys?

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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might sound a bit strange but where are you keeping them? i have everything for bubba now but not my buggy - thats coz im so bloody indecisive!!! :roll:

i know there are old wives tales about keeping them in the house as well which i dont believe in but i think that is why i have subconsciously not bought it :whistle:

have you girls all got yours and do u have them at home? i'm going to a demonstration of the new icandy tonight at my local john lewis and will order the buggy i choose this sunday so will have it the week after next at 38 weeks, i think i've left it long enough really :oooo:

TBH OH and I bought a travel system 2 years ago and have had it in our loft ever since !
A nursery shop was closing down and had 50-75% off everything so we thought why not, we were hoping to have a baby one day so bit the bullet and bought one.
At the moment, its collapsed in the nursery with the car seat sitting on top of it :)
My mom bought mine for me and she had it stored at hers until 2 nights ago. So now I have it but cos its a travel system we wanted it now so we could get the car seat fitted seen as I'm nearing my due date and babies head is engaged.
Plus I wanted to have a bit of a practise folding away the pram x
My mom bought mine for me and she had it stored at hers until 2 nights ago. So now I have it but cos its a travel system we wanted it now so we could get the car seat fitted seen as I'm nearing my due date and babies head is engaged.
Plus I wanted to have a bit of a practise folding away the pram x

how do you know the head is engaged hun? xx
really lol! wow that is planning ahead!! xx

think there was a bit of psychology involved on my part... was hoping having a buggy in the house would prompt OH to have a baby a bit sooner haha!
Midwife told me last week, she said baby's head is engaged, so baby could come anytime! :shock: she did say though that although its engaged I could still go overdue, it really depends on when baby decides he/she is ready lol x
ooh - thats exciting rach.

Our's isnt even ordered yet. my parents are ordering it, and i think my dad's dragging his feet a bit - im wondering if its cos he thinks he'll get it cheaper in jan - but i think thats leaving it a wee bit late!

My mom bought mine for me and she had it stored at hers until 2 nights ago. So now I have it but cos its a travel system we wanted it now so we could get the car seat fitted seen as I'm nearing my due date and babies head is engaged.
Plus I wanted to have a bit of a practise folding away the pram x

was told at my 36 week appointment that baby is 2/5's engaged but will prob stay like that til labour starts... but have had a huge amount of pressure at the bottom of my bump and pain so I think it has engaged a little bit further
Know you're a few weeks ahead of me but mine is at my parents. Let us know how tonight goes! xx
I've not even looked or tried any yet. Dh has been working 7 days a week and I don't fancy dragging dd round looking at them
Midwife told me last week, she said baby's head is engaged, so baby could come anytime! :shock: she did say though that although its engaged I could still go overdue, it really depends on when baby decides he/she is ready lol x

oh i was hoping you could somehow tell ourselves! wow u are so close!! xx
Got ours ordered 2 weeks ago and paid half of it off. We are due to collect it on the 20th January. We had to order ours quite early as it takes up to 10 weeks to make

Midwife told me last week, she said baby's head is engaged, so baby could come anytime! :shock: she did say though that although its engaged I could still go overdue, it really depends on when baby decides he/she is ready lol x

oh i was hoping you could somehow tell ourselves! wow u are so close!! xx

Baby defo feels lower and there's a lot more pressure, so thats one way to tell but you wouldnt know for definate unless the midwife felt the babies position x
Midwife told me last week, she said baby's head is engaged, so baby could come anytime! :shock: she did say though that although its engaged I could still go overdue, it really depends on when baby decides he/she is ready lol x

oh i was hoping you could somehow tell ourselves! wow u are so close!! xx

when was ur last mw appointment hun? She may not have told you but would have put a remark in ur notes. My mw told me they start checking from the 36 week appointment. Went thru my notes and saw that at my 34 week apt she wrote NE for not engaged. i asked at my 36 week and was told but its also noted in my notes next to where they fill in ur bp and your bump measurements. They make a notes of what they can feel. So if they can feel 3/5's of babys head they will write 3/5's which means ur 2/5's engaged :)
I need to collect mine from Mamas and Papas, but I keep postponing it, as it's a huge thing and our little terraced house is already full!
Ooh I haven't looked in my notes, will go have a look in a bit. I was 36 weeks and 6 days at my last appointment x x
Ours is in or bedroom at the mo - really is getting in the way a bit, but there's nowhere else for it to go!

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