Where are your buggys?

Frame is on porch way, cot and pram frame under stairs and washed covers in baby room! Everywhere really!
Ours is at my mum and dads and they have refused to let us bring it home! The only thing we've been allowed to collect is the carseat which we brought home on tuesday. x x x
i had my appt on tuesday and she wrote N/E and i guessed that might mean not engaged :( oh well! as everyone says..he'll come when he's ready! xx
i had my appt on tuesday and she wrote N/E and i guessed that might mean not engaged :( oh well! as everyone says..he'll come when he's ready! xx

i dont think it means much hun tbh.... mw told me that alot of babies dont engage at all until labour starts, and some engage really early and the lady still goes overdue, so i take it with a pinch of salt.
i had my appt on tuesday and she wrote N/E and i guessed that might mean not engaged :( oh well! as everyone says..he'll come when he's ready! xx

i dont think it means much hun tbh.... mw told me that alot of babies dont engage at all until labour starts, and some engage really early and the lady still goes overdue, so i take it with a pinch of salt.

oh really!? ok cool, i'll stop worrying about it then xx
I brought mine off a friend who never used it in her last pregnancy it was to cheap not to grab! I got it when i was 28wks pregnant so my mother in law has took the pram and moses basket to hers ive never kept them at mine! X
i had my appt on tuesday and she wrote N/E and i guessed that might mean not engaged :( oh well! as everyone says..he'll come when he's ready! xx

i dont think it means much hun tbh.... mw told me that alot of babies dont engage at all until labour starts, and some engage really early and the lady still goes overdue, so i take it with a pinch of salt.

oh really!? ok cool, i'll stop worrying about it then xx

Yeah cos although she said I was engaged she also said 'that's not to say you still couldn't go overdue'. So either way could happen anytime x
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Mine is being stored in my nans loft :)
Can't wait to get it out again though. x
Our buggy is currently in our bedroom but will be moved this weekend as we've got furniture to put up etc god knows where it'll go!

i still havn't got mine either! I just can't decide on one :roll:. driving OH crazy,
I have everything else just not the buggy :shock: xxxxxxx
Mine is at my mums house we got it early as it was a bargin so we didnt want to miss out! we kept saying we could go round and try it out but the last i did it stressed me out so i havent bothered again.. really must try again! lol

We went to Kiddicare last week and the selection of push chairs in there is amazing! and you can try them out wheel them around for how ever long you need if anyone is a bit unsure of what they want or want to test one i would defo go there its amazing! i was a bit sad i already had mine !lol x
got mine in my OH brothers house,because of the old wifes tales which i personally dont belive in,id rather have it in my house so i can play with it :)
My parents bought ours from mothercare about 3 months ago, but they dont deliver it until first week of jan so we dont have to try and store it anywhere. x
i have to have mine in our flat when it arrives coz both sets of parents smoke :roll: xx
Ours is in baby nursery all set up lol... I love it soooo much :) xx
Grace's travel system is in her room :)
But because her room is cold (we haven't had the heating on upstairs) I'm going to bring her pram/car sear and moses basket out of her room and bring them downstairs into the warm living room. Will still keep them wrapped and will probably bring them down next week, unless she makes an appearance this week! xxx
I have 2 as we have a farm and I didnt want a nice one to get grafted particularly as baby will be outside in it with me while I do my horses.

The posh one is on the landing ( too big to go any where else where it wont get dirty) and the one for the farm is in the conservatory as it doesnt matter if it fades as its a cheap 2nd hand one off the market, will do the job fot outside where it wont matter if it gets dirty.
went all the way to john lewis tonight feeling pretty rough for the demo of the icandy strawberry, i love it BUT its not available until February!!! so not only am i fed up coz i love it but i had a totally wasted journey :(

Like flaxen I've got two. One that is an off roader for walking the dog and will get muddy and is in the store outside and the other lovely urban type one is in the nursery :o)
Mines at the SIL but will be coming over to the house at 35 weeks... She has the car seat too, so don't want it here to early, but kind of do too just incase!

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