Where are your buggys?

went all the way to john lewis tonight feeling pretty rough for the demo of the icandy strawberry, i love it BUT its not available until February!!! so not only am i fed up coz i love it but i had a totally wasted journey :(


oh no! Id be soooo annoyed :(
We bought ours at 16 weeks and it's at my MIL's. DH won't let me bring it home until February :(
Mines folded and standing on it's end in the living room :blush:
I'm gonna get OH to put it either in the bedroom or the car boot, but we don't live together and he's working 7 days a week on his new business so I haven't got round to asking him yet cos he's so tired I feel bad.
Mines at my sisters. Still deciding when to get her to bring it or when we should get it but kinda think it better be soon cos of my possible inducement on the 12th. But dunno cos of the whole bad luck thing xxx
Our farm buggy is out in the Sleep Out, it's been washed, disinfected etc and is ready to go.
Our "town" buggy :) is in the foyer, ready to go. We used it with first little man, so only had to replace the liner with a pink one to girly it up!!
Everything's ready to go!
My travel system is up in the nursery, but its going in the wash house when he arrives as there is no room to keep it and i don't wanna bring it into the house wet when I've had him out xx
My buggy is at my Mum's.

I'm not supersticious about having it at ours but the rest of my family are!

i'm suprised at how many people dont have them at home!! i really must make a decision this weekend and order one :roll: xx
My P&T's is in the annexe at the moment purely so that the cats don't start thinking it's for them!!!

It's quite a chunky piece of kit so we need to work out where to store it!!

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