Where are all the June mums to be??


Im still feeling great apart from getting tired quicker again. I've still got the backache but I just try not to sit/stand in one place for too long. How are you feeling?

Glad you enjoyed it in the UK. I've got nearly everything I need now, just need to buy a few more bits and pieces.

Went shopping last week and bought loads more baby clothes :shock: I need to stop buying them, there just too cute though lol :lol:

Lovely bump pic...will get another pic of my bump soon :)

Take care

Rachel xx

Happy Easter, hope your having a nice weekend......and have eaten lots of chocolate!! We have been in Madrid this weekend......we went on Friday, as it takes only 3 hours by car to get there from us, it was a lovely weekend......the weather was good so lots of walks though pretty parks and lots of lovely foods, we also managaed to get some shopping in and see some modern art at the museums!! Got back home early this evening and feeling quite worn out.

How are you? Are you still feeeling tired, i think i'm on a bit of a down fall now and my energy levels are starting to fade.

Looking forwards to a lay in tomorrow!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend, take care

Amy xx

Here's my 30 week bump pics!



Amy xx

I had a good easter, ate abit too much chocolate though :lol:. Glad you had a good easter, and a good time in Madrid. How lovely to be just 3 hours drive away from Madrid :lol:.

Yep still feeling tired and get worn out more quickly now. I've also noticed that I become out of breath really quickly now. How are you feeling?

I need to stop buying baby clothes, I've got loads now but they are all too cute lol. Also because I know im having a boy im buying lots of little blue things as well as white lol. Have you bought much more?

Lovely bump, so neat and no extra weight anywere else!

Take care

Rachel xx

Glad you had a nice easter.......they are not huge on easter eggs over here in Spain, so we did'nt have any.........but i made up for it in madrid by eating yummy waffels with chocolate and cream on!!!

How are you? I 'm fine feeling well too , but like you am starting to feel breathless- even when i'm laying in bed i find myself catching for breath. I'm back to peeing lots too, the baby seems to love pressing on my bladder!

It's great buying baby clothes.......i bought a couple more things at the weekend, but for when she's a little older, as i seem to have so many bits for 0-3 months. Our cot and changing unit arrives next Thursday, i can't wait, i think then we have near enough everything ready!!!

I'm back to work tomorrow........as the easter holidays finish.......so not really that long till maternity leave starts!!!!

Take care,

Amy xx

Im feeling great again at the moment :D I know what you mean though about baby pressing on the bladder, mine does it alot aswell :shock:. How are you feeling?

I've got everything I need for the baby now, really dont need to buy anything else now :lol: Did your cot and changing unit arrive?

My bump seems to have grown loads in the past couple of weeks. Will have to post a pic soon. Has your bump got much bigger?

Take care

Rachel xx
Call me a jelous old mouse, but i want your bumps....They are much better than mine! I just feel overweight!! You both have lovely shapes to your bumps and...boo-hoo :cry: :wall:
Take a look at mine, first one is 20 weeks, second is 35 weeks, bit of a gap i know but in the middle i lost the bump, (pregnancy complications) and have only really just regained it, at 20 weeks i thought iwas havin twins...!!
Enjoy my pics, im due 1 june btw...



:clap: :dance:

Welcome sonia too.......not long for you! Nice bump pics by the way!

How are you feeling girls?

I feel well at the moment......baby still pressing on my bladder and the past few days i've noticed that i'm feeling a bit of pressure down there and i feel like i'm putting a waddle on when i walk!

I have my midwife appointment next Tuesday....an internal so hopefully she can tell me, which way the baby is and how things are progressing!!!

My cot and changing unit did'nt arrive today but it's coming tomorrow morning........i'm really excited. Once it's up i shall have to post a pic!

I think we have everything for the baby now......just got to get myself a few bits now and get together my hospital bag.

I'm glad it's nearly the weekend again! Any plans??

We are having a lazy weekend.......although i'm trying to persuade hubbie to take me out for a curry fri or sat night......i really fancy one!!

So enjoy the weekend!

Take care

Amy xx
Hi girls,

Im not feeling great. I feel fine in myself but things like backache and rib pain are putting a dampner on things :shock: I've been told that I've started to walk with a waddle aswell now lol :lol:

Had a bit of a scare this week because I've had my show and now im still bleeding aswell as getting more of my show :?

I had my midwife app last week and everything was fine and I was told that my baby is facing head down :dance:

Lovely bump pic! I really will have to post one up soon :lol:

How are you feeling? Have you started your maternity leave yet?

Take care

Rachel xx
Hi Rachel,

I've posted on the other thread........but hope your feeeling a little better,i can imagine it's quite nerve racking but exciting???getting your show.......hope the bleeding has stopped, and the baby stays put for a while longer........just chill and take it easy.

The past week, i've been feeling a lot of pressure and i too have started to put a waddle on....getting quite tired by the end of the day now as well. The heat dosent help either, it's getting really hot here and my feet and hands are swelling alot.......i can't even get my rings off at the moment.

Not long till i finish work, i think about 3 weeks to go.......my last day is friday 2nd June!!!!!!!!! When do you finish??

Can't believe how quick my ticker keeps counting down.......i've been reading loads of my pregnancy book this week......i want to feel completely ready and it's quite informative and has lots of tips in! To be honest i'm getting very nervous now, are you?? I'm also worried about the pain afterwards.....i'm not at all great with pain!

Anyway look forwarsd to seeing your bump pic!

Take care

Amy xx

Thanks for saying congrats on the other thread :)

Hope you are feeling well?

I was abit nervous when I lost my show but I just thought that lots of people lose it then dont go into labour for weeks but when my waters broke I just paniked lol :lol:

The pain wasnt that bad to be honest, it was only when I got to 8cm that I couldnt cope and had the gas and air then didnt have nothing when I was pushing.

The pushing didnt hurt me either, just stung a lot when his head was coming out. Thankfully I didnt tear though, just a few grases :dance:

Never did manage to get that bump pic posted lol :lol:

Rachel xx
Hi Rachel,

How are you?? how is everything with your new little boy??

The pics are great, can't wait to see some more!!!

Are you breastfeeding, how are you getting on with it??

Only 30 days for me now, i'm counting down........getting very nervous now.

Take care

Amy xx

Im fine thanks, feeling great :D How are you?

Nathan is fine, im lucky because he's a good baby and only cries when he wants feeding or changing. He loves having a bath, looks well relaxed and happy when he's in there :lol: lol

Im not breastfeeding now :( Nathan won't suck properly off the breast and get's tired easily doing it so he was'nt getting enough and was always hungry :( so switched to formula, much better at feeding now.

Only 22 days for you now...ohh not long!!! lol

Take care

Rachel xx
Hi all, As im not sure you have seen my other post, ill tell you all here aswell..

I was due thu 1 june, and yup u guessed it im STILL WAITIN...

boys huh??!!

i have copied n pasted my other message save me typin it all again!!

Thur 1 june - 3rd june in the mornings i passed my pplug, the "show"
wasnt blood stained at all. Since thn nothink.


Monday 5 June: At the hospital ruteine appt, they mentioned about the stretch and sweep, and i said no not yet, ,and to wait 14 days they agreed to my wishes.
Also got told he is 3/5 engaged. Also found protein in my urine, although they said b/p was fine nothing else to be done.

Tuesday 6 June: Midwife came round to check on me. I asked if stretch and sweep was possible at the surgery later she said yes ok. Bp was cheaked and normal.
At the surgery she performed the stretch and sweep, she said my cervix was soft, central and i AM 1CM DILATED !!!
( I adventually agreed to it as i was fed up and wanting things movin, givin my prev sectin scar minimal chances or rupturin with a bigger baby!!)

I know it can still take a while but im on that road!!

thought id let you all know, im sure your all desprate to hear my news, i shall keep you posted !!


Any1 had their babies yet ??


Best of luck everyone!!

Great bump pic........hopefully not long for you now?!

I've got 20 days left........and am getting impatient, every little twinge i'm like 'Is this it'????

Can't wait to meet my little girl.......although very scared too.

I shall have to post my 37 week bump pic soon.

Amy xx

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